Cancel Payment Control and Log Fields

Here is a description of the fields in the Cancel Payment Control and Cancel Payment Log objects. These objects are used during Cancel Payment batch processes.

Cancel Payment Control

A Cancel Payment Control record is generated each time the user runs the Cancel Payment process (one record per group of accounts canceled). If the batch has no errors, in Classic Payments all records will be deleted as part of the Clear History process.

Field Description
Cancel Payment Control Name Name of this record.
Batch Process Lookup to the related batch process record.
Payment Lookup to the related payment record.


Button Description
Resubmit Resubmits any payment account lines that have failed with a error.

Cancel Payment Log

A Cancel Payment Log record is only generated if an error occurs during the process.

Field Description
Cancel Payment Control Master-Detail (Cancel Payment Control)
Cancel Payment Log Name Name of this record.
Message Contains the details of the error, including the account name from the payment account line.

Potential Sources of Error

If the field is populated then this indicates an error in either this record or a related record referenced within it.

Field Description
Account Lookup to the related account.
Accounting Currency Lookup to the related accounting currency.
Bank Account Lookup to the related bank account.
General Ledger Account Lookup to the related general ledger account.
Period Lookup to the related period.
Product Lookup to the related product.