Setting Up Currency Translation

ERP Cloud

You can use currency translation to convert your Home currency to your Dual currency for financial reporting.

Enabling Currency Translation using Feature Console

Use the Feature Console to guide you through this process. For more details, see Feature Console.

To enable Currency Translation:

  1. Click the Feature Console tab.
  2. Click Accounting Currency Translation to view the feature steps.
  3. Click Perform to add Currency Translation to the Transaction Type picklist.
  4. [Optional] Click Perform to add the Document Type, Document Ordering and Accounting Book fields to the Currency Revaluation page layout. If the fields have been already added, you can skip this step.
  5. [Optional] Click Perform to add the Document Type and Accounting Book fields to the Group Members Related List on the Currency Revaluation Group page layout. If the fields have been already added, you can skip this step.
  6. [Optional] Click Perform to add the Group Type field to the Currency Revaluation Group page layout. If the field has already been added, or you are using a custom layout, then you can skip this step.
  7. [Optional] Click Perform to add the new fields to the Currency Revaluation Template layout. If the fields have already been added, you can skip this step.
  8. [Optional] Share the Currency Revaluation Income Statement and Balance Sheet transaction line item reports with the appropriate users. Ensure that users have View access only. These reports are in the Currency Revaluation Reports folder.
  9. When the steps are complete, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.

Updating your General Ledger Account page layout

To include your Unrealized Gains/Losses general ledger account (GLA) in currency translations you must add the Unrealized Gains/Losses GLA checkbox to your GLA page layout.

You can then select this checkbox to include the relevant GLA in the currency translation process.

For mote information, see "Updating Page Layouts" in the Salesforce Help.