Updating Existing Billing Schedules

ERP Cloud

This Feature Console page automatically populates the Billing Contract lookup field on your existing billing schedules. This enables you to view a contract's billing schedules in a related list at contract header level.

This feature has one automatic step to populate the Billing Contract lookup field on existing billing schedules where the field is not already populated:

  1. Click Perform to run the step. When the step has completed, the Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".

If any errors occur while performing this step, an error log is emailed to you. After resolving any errors, you can perform the step again.


This feature cannot be reverted automatically.

Manually Updating Custom Page Layouts

If you use custom page layouts for Billing Contract, update them manually to include the Billing Schedules related list.

If you use custom page layouts for Billing Schedule, update them manually to include the Billing Contract lookup field.