Creating Billing Central Contracts from Salesforce Orders

ERP Cloud

If you are using Salesforce CPQ and Billing Central you can add the Prepare Contract button to the Salesforce order page layout, so that you can create Billing Central contracts directly from the Salesforce order.

For example, this allows your sales consultants to raise orders and then create billing contracts. Your billing clerks can then review and activate the contracts in Billing Central.



The following instructions assume you are using the default configuration, for which the type of contract that is created is specified by the Type field on the order's related opportunity. If you are using a different field to determine the contract types that you create you should refer to the mappings created when you configured the integration.

You must have completed the configuration steps as described in Setting up BC Order to Contract Integration

In order to create contracts the following criteria apply:

  • You must have the following fields completed on your order:

    • Account Name
    • Opportunity Type
    • Order Start Date
  • If you upsell, replace or renew contracts, you must add the Original Contracted Order number to the new order. This field is used to retrieve contract details from Billing Central.
  • You must have at least one product on your order.
  • You must activate your order.

When you click Prepare Contract, the order information is validated and any errors are displayed.


You can only create one contract from an order. When the contract is created, the Contract lookup on the order is set to that contract. If you have permission to view orders, then the contract displays a link to related order. This popup enables you to view the order that created the contract and any other related orders.


An error message is displayed if you attempt to upsell or replace a contract that has "Draft" or "Ready for Review" credit notes or consolidated billing documents linked to it. Ensure that the documents are completed, discarded, or unconsolidated before attempting to upsell or replace the contract again. A consolidated billing document will trigger this error regardless of whether or not it contains only billing documents related to the current contract.