Using Billing Central with Shield Platform Encryption

ERP Cloud

Billing Central supports Salesforce's Shield Platform Encryption on all current standard fields, and also supports encryption of files and attachments.


When encryption is enabled for a field, if you disable the encryption later you will need to contact Salesforce for help finalizing your changes because disabling the encryption does not remove the querying restrictions on that field. This means that any current or future packages on your org which use that field must continue to support encryption on it. For example, when searching for accounts, users cannot filter by a field that is, or was, encrypted because the querying restrictions imposed by encryption don't allow filtering on encrypted fields.

Refer to the Salesforce Shield Platform Encryption Implementation Guide if you are considering enabling encryption on your organization. If you are unsure whether to proceed, contact your Salesforce representative before making any decisions.

Behavior when searching on Account Name

When the Account Name field is encrypted, the results returned when searching on account name may differ from the results you came to expect before the field was encrypted. This behavior is determined by Salesforce.

Differences that Certinia is aware of are listed below:

  • When matching the search string to account names, the word order is ignored. For example, the search string "Financial Force" will return the account names "Financial Force" and "Force Financial" because both contain the search terms "Financial" and "Force".
  • Words in the search string are matched to the start of words in the account name. For example, "Fr" will return "French" but not "African".
  • The search string must be at least two characters, or can be one character inside single quotes.
  • A maximum of 200 records is returned. This may mean that a matching value is not included in the results.
  • Searching for an account name containing the special characters ? * " \ ' may not return the required account. You may want to avoid including these special characters in searches.
  • Using logical operators like "and" and "or" can give unexpected results. Surround the operators with single quotes to have them treated as text.
  • Minor spelling mistakes are tolerated. This means that search results similar to the search term may be returned even though they do not match exactly.