Billing Central Settings

Custom settings are a Salesforce feature. When a custom setting has the Setting Type “Hierarchy” you can store settings information at user, profile, or organization level. Settings for an organization are overridden by profile settings, which, in turn, are overridden by user settings.


Take care if storing settings information at user or profile level because it might result in unexpected differences in behavior. For example, if different values are set for the Soft Date Week Start Day field, the Billing Term and Charge Term fields will result in contract lines with different billing dates and billing periods depending on which user or profile created the contract.

Custom Field Description
Active Contract Line Locked Field Set

API name of the contract line item field set that determines which fields are read-only on a contract line item belonging to a contract with the status "Active". When blank, the default field set ActiveContractLineLockedFields is used.

Active Contract Locked Field Set

API name of the contract field set that determines which fields are read-only on a contract with the status "Active". When blank, the default field set ActiveContractLockedFields is used.

Add and Delete Lines on Active Contracts

Indicates whether you can add and delete contract line items on a contract with the status "Active".


Enabling this custom field might compromise your billing data because it will allow users to edit active contracts without going through a change request. The change request process ensures that only valid changes can be made to an active contract, and that billing schedules and billing documents are automatically regenerated to reflect the changes. If you allow users to bypass this process you must manually rectify any billing schedules, billing documents, and any transactions in your accounting system that are impacted by their edits.

Allow Converted Invoice to be Rebilled Indicates whether option to allow billing schedules of converted invoices to be rebilled is selected by default when converting billing documents of type Invoice to credit notes.
Allow Deletion of Account in Use Indicates whether you can delete an account that is in use. For example, an account that is associated with a contract.
Allow Deletion of Company in Use

Indicates whether you can delete a company that is in use. For example, a company that is associated with a contract.


Billing Central uses the Company object in Foundations. Typically this field should be left as false.

Allow Deletion of Draft Billing Document Indicates whether you can delete billing documents with the status "Draft", "Ready for Review", or "Superseded" if they are not linked to a consolidated billing document.
Allow Deletion of Product in Use Indicates whether you can delete a product that is in use. For example, a product that is associated with a plan line item.
Allow Deletion of Tax Code in Use Indicates whether you can delete a tax code that is in use. For example, a tax code that is associated with a billing document line item.
Allow End Contract Line Before Billed To

Select this field to disable the validation that prevents you moving a contract line item's end date before it's Billed To date. See Early Termination of Contracts and Contract Line Items.


A contract line item's Billed To date is only updated if you have set up message delivery and billing document completion as explained in Configuring Message Delivery and Billing Document Completion.

Allow Fully Billed Lines to be Extended

Controls whether a "Recurring Fixed" contract line that is fully billed and ends partway through a billing period can have its end date extended via a change request. By default this is false because no billing schedule would be created for the unbilled part of the billing period in which the line previously ended, meaning that there would be a gap in the contract line's billing schedules. Instead of extending the contract line, add a new line starting the day after the existing line's end date.

We recommend you do not change this field to true unless you have customizations that validate against gaps in billing schedules.

Apply Price Change When Next Billed

When true, price changes made using Amend Prices are charged from the start of the next unbilled billing period that falls on or after the Effective from Date. If amending prices at line level, the Price Charged From column in the Amend Prices window shows the date from which the new price will be charged for a contract line item.

When false, price changes made using Amend Prices are charged immediately from the Effective from Date. By default this field is false.

For more information, see Amend Prices Overview.

Automatically Populate Renewal Contract Indicates whether the renewal process automatically populates the Renewal Contract lookup field, so that a contract that has been renewed has a lookup to its renewal. When true, the volumes handled by the renewal process might be impacted. By default this field is false.
Billing Document Credit Note Template Name of the custom template for billing documents of type Credit Note. If you do not enter a value, the default Visualforce page billingdocumentpdf is used for printing billing documents of type Credit Note. See Setting up Document Printing.
Billing Document Invoice Template Name of the custom template for billing documents of type Invoice. If you do not enter a value, the default Visualforce page billingdocumentpdf is used for printing billing documents of type Invoice. See Setting up Document Printing.
Billing Document Output

Determines the default strategy to generate billing documents when running a background process to create billing documents from contracts. You can enter:

  • Single – A single billing document is created for each contract.
  • Per Billing Type – A separate billing document is created for each billing type in a contract. For example, two separate billing documents are created if a contract contains two lines, one with a billing type "One-off", and another with a billing type "Recurring Fixed".

The default value is Single.


You must enter the option you want as text. This setting is case sensitive. You must enter Single or Per Billing Type. Entering any other text or case results in the default value Single being used.

Billing Schedule Number of Months

Specifies the number of future months from today for which to create billing schedules when setting up the schedule job, activating contracts, applying change requests, and upselling a contract via an opportunity.

This must be a whole number from 0 to 99. If not set it defaults to 12.

If you enter "0", when you are activating or changing a contract, then the billing schedule is not generated. If the value is "0" when running via the scheduler, then the schedule is generated up to today.


You can set up a job to automatically generate billing schedules. See Setting up a Job to Generate Billing Schedules.

Calculate Tax on Billing Using FDN This field is managed by the Billing Central Automation feature. See Setting up the Automation of Billing Central Processes. It indicates whether tax is calculated automatically using Certinia's internal tax calculation method for billing documents created when a billing contract is activated.
Change Requests Do Not Expire Contracts

Select this field if you do not want applying change requests (including change requests created by the End Contract via Change Request process) to immediately set "Active" contracts to "Expired" if their end date is before today. The contracts will be set to "Expired" when the background job to expire contracts next runs.

Contract Change Request Use Approvals

Indicates whether a Salesforce approvals process is used to approve contract change requests. For more information about setting up approval processes, see the Salesforce Help.

Convert to Credit Note Allows Review Indicates that the Convert to Credit Note process creates credit notes with the status "Ready for Review", allowing them to be routed for approval and taxed using Avalara. When false, credit notes are created with the status "Complete". For more information, see Convert to Credit Note Overview.
Credit Note Email Template

Name of the custom email template to use when emailing billing documents of type Credit Note. The default template BillingDocumentPdfEmail is used for the email if you do not specify a value. See Setting up Document Email.


The billing document is generated using the Billing Document Credit Note Template.

Default Rounding Mode for Amend Prices

The default rounding mode to be applied to unit prices by the Amend Prices processes. The options are:

1 No Rounding (this is the default)

2 Whole Numbers

3 Currency Decimal Places

You must enter the number 1, 2 or 3. Any other value is invalid and will result in No Rounding being applied.

For more information, see Rounding Unit Prices during Price Amendment.

Delete Discarded Billing Doc Schedule

Indicates whether related billing schedules are deleted when a billing document is discarded. If cleared, the Billing Document Line Item field is cleared on related billing schedules when a billing document is discarded.

Disable Automatic Credit Note Creation

Select this field if you do not want applying change requests to result in draft credit notes being created automatically when refunds are due.

This field is cleared by default which means that when you apply a change request (including change requests created by the End Contract via Change Request process) a draft credit note is created if a refund is due. For more information, see Automatic Creation of Draft Credit Notes When Applying Change Requests.

Don't Exclude Amended Line from Renewal

When you use the Amend Prices feature, if a contract line is ended or canceled in order to apply the new unit price, Billing Central automatically selects the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on that line (the version with the original unit price) so that it is not included in a renewal. Select this field if you do not want Billing Central to automatically select the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on such lines.

Don't Exclude Canceled Line from Renewal

When you use the End Contract feature, if a contract line is canceled because it does not start until after the contract's end date, Billing Central automatically selects the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on that line so that it is not included in a renewal. Select this field if you do not want Billing Central to automatically select the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on such lines.

Don't Exclude One-Off Line from Renewal

When you add a new one-off line to a contract, Billing Central automatically selects the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on that line so that it is not included in a renewal. Select this field if you do not want Billing Central to automatically select the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on new one-off lines.


This defaulting does not apply when the Create Renewal, Amend Prices, and Change Request processes create copies of one-off lines. Instead these processes respect the value of the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on the original one-off line and copy it to the new one-off line.

Cloning a line using the standard Salesforce Clone button also respects the Exclude from Renewal value on the original line.

Don't Update Billed Data during Complete

Indicates whether the fields Billed To and Total Billed on contract lines are immediately updated during the billing document completion process. By default this is false meaning that the fields are updated immediately. If the immediate update fails for any reason, the fields are updated when the message delivery job next runs.

When true, the fields are not updated until the message delivery job runs following the completion of one or more related billing documents.

For information about the setup required for billing document completion and message delivery, see Configuring Message Delivery and Billing Document Completion.


If you are upgrading and the Billed To and Total Billed fields are blank on existing contract lines because the message delivery job was not configured to run in your org, when the fields are immediately updated in Winter 24 the Total Billed value will be incorrect for part-billed contracts. This is because the fields are updated for new billing activity only, they are not updated to include historic billing activity. This could result in a contract line's Total Billed value being updated to a negative amount if you convert an invoice to a credit note.

Billed contract lines are validated differently from unbilled contract lines. Some functions check the Billed To and Total Billed fields to determine if the contract line has been billed. Once a contract line is billed, some fields are locked on change requests to prevent them from being edited. For a list of these fields, see Fields Locked on Billed Contract Lines.

End Contract via Change Request

Indicates whether the end contract process will work by creating a change request. This is useful if you want to:

  • Apply a change request approval process to ending a contract.
  • Keep an audit trail of a contract before it is ended.
  • Create a draft credit note automatically if a refund is due and Disable Automatic Credit Note Creation is not selected.

Users must be using Lightning Experience if this field is enabled. Users cannot end contracts using Salesforce Classic when this field is enabled.

Enhanced Billing Doc Field Set This field is deprecated.
Enhanced Billing Doc Line Field Set

API name of the billing document line item field set that determines which billing document line item fields are to be included in the Lightning component related list for Billing Document Line Item, and on the Edit Selected Products page. When blank, the default field set EnhancedBillingDocumentAdditionalFields is used.


Adding custom fields that require a unique value is not supported.

Enhanced Contract Field Set

API name of the contract field set that determines which contract fields are available on the return value of the API method that creates change requests.

When blank, the default field set EnhancedContractAdditionalFields is used.


Adding custom fields that require a unique value is not supported.

Enhanced Contract Line Field Set

API name of the contract line item field set that determines which contract line item fields are to be included in the Lightning component related list for Billing Contract Line Item, and on the Edit Selected Products page. When blank, the default field set EnhancedContractAdditionalFields is used.


Adding custom fields that require a unique value is not supported.

Group Printed Billing Documents by Plan Indicates whether the lines in a printed billing document are grouped by plan.
Ignore Field Locks on Active Contacts

We recommend you do not select this field unless advised to do so by Certinia.

Billing Central locks some contract line fields on active contracts to prevent them from being edited except via change requests. If your business has implemented customizations that take responsibility for maintaining billing data integrity, you can select this field to ignore this internal field locking.

Fields included in the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set are only editable via a change request regardless of this field's state.


See Protecting Contract Line Fields from Edits When a Contract Is Active for a list of the fields that should be included in the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set if you select this field. Failure to add the required fields to the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set might compromise your billing data because users will be able to edit active contracts without going through a change request. If you allow users to do this you must manually rectify any billing schedules, billing documents, and any transactions in your accounting system that are impacted by their edits.

Invoice Email Template Name of the custom email template to use when emailing billing documents of type Invoice. The default template BillingDocumentPdfEmail is used for the email if you do not specify a value. See Setting up Document Email.

The billing document is generated using the Billing Document Invoice Template.

Prevent Completing Untaxed Billing Docs Determines whether untaxed billing documents can be completed. When true, an error message is displayed if you try to complete a billing document where the Tax Calculated checkbox is cleared. By default this is false, meaning that untaxed billing documents can be completed.
Print Billing Doc Field Set

API name of the billing document field set that determines which billing document fields are to be included on a printed billing document. When blank, the default field set PrintedDocumentFields is used.


If you specify your own field set, you can add any fields you want to that field set. If you use the default field set, you can remove the default fields and add them back, but you cannot add other fields from Billing Central.

Print Billing Doc Line Field Set API name of the billing document field set that determines which billing document line item fields are to be included on a printed billing document. When blank, the default field set PrintedDocumentFields is used.

If you specify your own field set, you can add any fields you want to that field set. If you use the default field set, you can remove the default fields and add them back, but you cannot add other fields from Billing Central.

Print Billing Doc Plan Summary Field Set

API name of the billing document line item field set that determines which billing document fields are to be included when summarizing a plan on a printed billing document. When blank, the default field set PlanSummaryFields is used.


If you specify your own field set, you can add any fields you want to that field set. If you use the default field set, you can remove the default fields and add them back, but you cannot add other fields from Billing Central.

When lines are grouped into a summary, only numeric fields are shown because they can be summed.

Renew Contract Duration as Months Indicates whether the duration of a renewal defaults to the same number of months (selected) or same number of days (deselected) as the original contract. This field is deselected by default, meaning that Billing Central calculates renewal durations as the same number of days as the original contract. If your contracts are usually monthly or yearly, select this field so that Billing Central defaults to using months instead. You can override the default when renewing contracts. For more information, see How Renewal Dates are Calculated.
Renew Reminder Days Before Contract End

Number of days relative to the contract End Date on which to set the renewal reminder when creating a contract:

  • Enter a positive number to set the Renewal Reminder before the contract End Date.
  • Enter a negative number to set the Renewal Reminder after the contract End Date.
  • Enter zero to set the Renewal Reminder to the same date as the contract End Date.
  • Leave the field blank to set the Renewal Reminder manually.
Replace Fields in Custom Related List Indicates whether line item fields in the EnhancedContractAdditionalFields and EnhancedBillingDocumentAdditionalFields field sets are added to or replace the default fields included in the Lightning component related lists for Billing Document Line Item and Billing Contract Line Item, and on the Edit Selected Products page. By default this is false, meaning that fields added to these field sets are appended to the default fields. When true, the fields added to these field sets replace the default fields.
Soft Date Week Start Day Defines which day a week starts on when calculating the start or end of a week for soft dates. You can enter Sunday or Monday. If you do not enter a value, the start of the week is set automatically based on the locale of your Salesforce OrgClosed Salesforce organization.