Creating a CS Activity from a Workspace or App Page

You can create CS activities from any of the following:

To create a CS activity from a workspace or app page:

  1. Click Create CS Activity.
  2. [Optional] Search for and select an account to associate with the CS activity. When creating a CS activity from an account record page, the Account field is automatically populated with the account that the CS activity is created from, but this can be edited if required. Although this is not a required field, we recommend associating the CS activity with an account.
  3. Enter a summary for the CS activity.
  4. Specify the date of the CS activity.
  5. Select the CS activity type.
  6. [Optional] Search for and select the contacts to associate with the CS activity.
  7. Tip:

    You can view contacts related to the searched keyword, including their full names and job titles, and the names of their associated accounts. Enter at least two characters in the Contact field and click Show All Results for “ ” to open the Select Contact window. Then select the contacts that you want from the grid and click Select to add them to the Contact field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.

  8. [Optional] Enter any notes for the CS activity. For more information about the formatting options available in the rich text editor, see the Salesforce Help.
  9. Click Create.