CS Cloud Resource Fields

The CS Cloud Resource object includes the following fields.

* – Mandatory field

CS Cloud Resource Fields




If selected, the resource is active.
Contact The contact associated with the resource. This field is populated when a PSA resource has been assigned to a playbook task. It is populated by Customer Success Cloud – PSA Connector and cannot be edited.
Email The resource's email.
First Name The resource’s first name.
Last Name* The resource’s last name.
Line Manager The resource's line manager. The line manager is also a CS Cloud resource.
PSA Resource

The PSA resource associated with the resource. This field is populated when a PSA resource has been assigned to a playbook task. It is populated by Customer Success Cloud – PSA Connector and cannot be edited.


If the playbook task assignment associated with the resource is deleted, the resource will also be deleted if there are no other playbook task assignments associated with it.

Role The resource's role.

If the CS Cloud resource record is associated with a resource pool, and the value in this field is updated, the resource is removed from the pool and the resource pool membership record is deleted.

Salesforce User The user associated with the resource.