Customer Success Management Workspace

The Customer Success Management Workspace acts as a starting point for the activities that you conduct in your customer success manager role.

The Customer Success Management Workspace contains the following components:

  • Global Navigation
  • CSC Workspace Actions
  • KPI Cards
  • Account Grid
  • Success Tracker
  • My Active Playbooks list View
  • Playbook Task Manager
  • Activity Tracker

The Customer Success Management Workspace links enable you to open the pages that are relevant to your role.

Customer Success Management Workspace Global Navigation

CSC Workspace Actions

The CSC Workspace Actions component enables you to create CS activities, playbook tasks, playbooks, objectives, and success plans.

CSC Workspace Management Actions Component

KPI Cards

KPI cards provide you with information to highlight important details about your playbooks, objectives, success plans and tasks. To display a list of detailed records specific to each card, click the blue title link.

Customer Success Management KPI Cards

The following KPI cards are available from the Customer Success Management Workspace:



View Details

My Active Success Plans The count of success plans with a status of Active, that you are the success plan owner of.

Displays a list view of active success plans that you are the success plan owner of. The following fields are displayed:

  • Success Plan Name
  • Account
  • Success Plan Owner
  • Status
My Upcoming Business Reviews The count of success plans that have a business review occurring in the next 30 days, that you are the success plan owner of.

Displays a list view of success plans with business reviews occurring in the next 30 days that you are the success plan owner of. The following fields are displayed:

  • Success Plan Name
  • Account
  • Success Plan Owner
  • Status
My High Priority Objectives The count of objectives that have a Priority of High, that you are the objective owner of.

Displays a list view of high priority objectives that you are the objective owner of. The following fields are displayed:

  • Objective Name
  • Account
  • Success Plan
  • Objective Owner
  • End Date
  • Priority
  • Status
My Active Playbooks The count of playbooks, not including playbook templates, with a start date of today or before, and an end date of today or after, that you are the playbook owner of.

Displays a list view of active playbooks that you are the playbook owner of.

The following fields are displayed:

  • Playbook Name
  • Account
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Playbook Status
Flagged Tasks The count of tasks that have been marked as Flagged.

Displays a list view of flagged tasks.

The following fields are displayed:

  • Playbook
  • Playbook Task Name
  • Assigned Resources
  • Status
  • Start Date
  • End Date
My Red Playbooks The count of playbooks with a status of Red, that you are the playbook owner of.

Displays a list view of playbooks with a status of Red that you are the playbook owner of.

The following fields are displayed:

  • Playbook Name
  • Account
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Playbook Status

Account Grid

Account Grid enables you to view all of the accounts you are assigned the CSM of.

Account Grid

For more information about Account Grid, see Using Account Grid.

Success Tracker

Success Tracker enables you to view information about a success plan's associated objectives, playbooks, and playbook tasks in a scheduler view. It also enables you to create objectives, playbooks, playbook tasks, and success plans.

Success Tracker

For more information about Success Tracker, see Using Success Tracker.

Playbook Task Manager

Playbook Task Manager enables you to view, edit and add playbook tasks in a list, task board, or calendar view.

Playbook Task Manager

For more information about Playbook Task Manager, see Using the Playbook Task Manager.

Activity Tracker

Activity Tracker enables you to view past and upcoming activities and create new tasks and CS activities.

Activity Tracker

For more information about Activity Tracker, see Using Activity Tracker.