Scenario B Multiple Targets from a Single Source with Roll-up Information

In this scenario a ClickLink rule is created to generate target records from a source record. The target records also have child records. Roll-up information is generated from the child records.


You are a finance officer and want to convert expense lines to journals so that you do not have to input the information again. In this scenario each expense line contains a date, description, GLA, Dr and Cr column. For instance:

Example Expense Lines
Date Description GLA DR CR
30/11/2015 November Credit Card Expenses VJG Subscriptions 100.00  
30/11/2015 November Credit Card Expenses VJG Office Stationery 100.00  
30/11/2015 November Credit Card Expenses VJG Credit Card Control Account   200.00
30/11/2015 November Credit Card Expenses PP Travel


30/11/2015 November Credit Card Expenses PP Subsistence 200.00  
30/11/2015 November Credit Card Expenses PP Credit Card Control Account   350.00
30/11/2015 November Credit Card Expenses AG Hotel 60.00  
30/11/2015 November Credit Card Expenses AG Subscriptions 5.00  
30/11/2015 November Credit Card Expenses AG Subscriptions 10.00  
30/11/2015 November Credit Card Expenses AG Credit Card Control Account   75.00

This scenario assumes that data has been imported previously using the method described in Scenario D Batch Import.


Create master and detail level ClickLink rules to convert journal data from a journal data batch object to journals:

  1. Create a master ClickLink rule to Convert Journal Data to a Journal. For instance:
    Recommended Values for the Convert Journal Data to Journal ClickLink Rule
    ClickLink Rule NameConvert Journal Data to Journal
    Source ObjectJournalBatch__c
    Source Object Name FieldName
    Source Object Processed FieldProcessed__c
    Source Object Process Field 
    Target Objectc2g__codaJournal__c
    Target Object Name FieldName
  2. Create ClickLink mappings for the rule you created in the previous step. For instance:
    Recommended Mappings for the Convert Journal Data to Journal ClickLink Rule
    Target Record Based OnMapping TypeMapping LiteralSource FieldTarget Field
    Source RecordSource Field  Date__c c2g__JournalDate__c
    Source RecordSource Field Description__c c2g__JournalDescription__c
    Source RecordLiteralTrue ffgl__DeriveCurrency__c
    Source RecordLiteralTrue ffgl__DerivePeriod__c
    Source RecordSource Field NameJournalBatch__c
  3. Create a detail level ClickLink rule to convert the journal data to journal lines. For instance:
    Recommended Values for the Convert Journal Data to Journal Line ClickLink Rule
    ClickLink Rule NameConvert Journal Data to Journal Line
    Source ObjectJournalImportData__c
    Source Object Name FieldName
    Target Objectc2g__codaJournalLineItem__c
    Target Object Name FieldName
  4. Create ClickLink mappings for the detail level ClickLink rule that you created in the previous step. For instance:
    Recommended Mappings for the Convert Journal Data to Journal Line ClickLink Rule
    Target Record TypeTarget Record Based OnMapping TypeMapping LiteralSource FieldTarget Field
    AnalysisSource Record ParentLiteralGeneral Ledger Account c2g__LineType__c
    AnalysisSource Record ParentLiteralCredit Card Control Account c2g__GeneralLedgerAccount__c
    AnalysisSource Record ParentSource Field NegativeAmount__cc2g_Value__c
    DefaultSource RecordSource Field Amount__cc2g__Value__c
    DefaultSource RecordSource Field Description__cc2g__LineDescription__c
    DefaultSource RecordLiteralGeneral Ledger Account c2g__LineType__c
    DefaultSource RecordSource Field GLA__cc2g__GeneralLedgerAccount__c

    This table includes Analysis target lines. These record the double entry for the journal.

  5. On the master-level ClickLink rule, create a ClickLink relationship to link the master level ClickLink rule to the detail level ClickLink relationship:
    Recommended Relationship for the Convert Journal Data to Journal ClickLink Rule
    DescriptionSource Relationship NameDetail ClickLink RuleSource ObjectTarget ObjectTarget Relationship Field
    Link Master Journal to DetailJournal_Import_Data__rConvert Journal Data to Journal LineJournalImportData__cc2g__codaJournalLineItem__cc2g__Journal__c
  6. Create Visualforce pages to convert the journal batches to journals. For instance, you can use this Visualforce mark-up to process a single journal batch:

    <apex:page standardController="JournalBatch__c" extensions="ffirule.IntegrationRuleEngine" action="{!convert}">
    <ffirule:IntegrationRule engine="{!engine}"/>

    You can use this Visualforce mark-up to process several journal batches on a list view:

    <apex:page standardController="JournalBatch__c" extensions="ffirule.IntegrationRuleEngine" action="{!convert}" recordSetVar="records">
    <ffirule:IntegrationRule engine="{!engine}"/>

  7. In the master ClickLink rule Convert Journal Data to Journal, create ClickLink buttons to access the Visualforce pages created in the previous step.
  8. On the source object Journal Batch, create a Detail Page Button custom button that uses the Visualforce page that you created to process a single batch.
  9. On the source object Journal Batch, create a List Button custom button that uses the Visualforce page that you created to process several batches on a list view.

To use the solution do one of the following on the Journal Batches tab:

  • To process several batches, select the journal batches that you want to process and click Create Journals.
  • To process a single batch, click the journal batch number that you want to process and then click Convert to Journal.

If you created buttons with different names, select the buttons that you created.

The Processed checkbox is selected on the Journal Batches that you processed.