Printing with Conga Batch from Accounting

ERP Cloud
Note: As of Spring 2022, sales invoices for Swiss companies benefit from the addition of a QR code which is added to the PDF document if the following requirements are met:
  • Company type must be VAT.
  • Document currency is CHF or EUR.
  • Tax country code must be CH.
After generating, the QR code is saved in Related | Notes & Attachments.

The resulting QR code is saved with Reference Type as "NON" and there will be no QR reference. To set a QR reference:

  • Create two custom fields with API names as Swiss_Structured_Reference_Type and Swiss_QR_Reference. The Swiss_Structured_Reference_Type field will be a picklist field with options- NON, QRR, and SCOR.
  • If the Swiss_Structured_Reference_Type field is set to anything other than "NON" (currently QRR and SCOR are valid options), the Reference Type with value "NON" is overridden and set to the same value as in the Swiss_Structured_Reference_Type field.
  • If the Swiss_Structured_Reference_Type is set to "QRR", the reference code in the custom field Swiss_QR_Reference field will be included as the reference in the QR code generated.

With Conga Conductors installed, you can produce bulk output from:

  • List View button: Conga Batch enables you to print up to 50 documents as consolidated output.
  • Object View button
  • Using Conga Batch you can print and distribute up to 1000 documents to different companies

You can send up to 1000 documents for different accounts at any one time. If you want to send more, for example at month end, you need to send batches until you have printed them all. To do this, you can select on a particular field, for example territory or record ID, then filter on print status, and select invoices that have not yet been printed.

Note: A limitation means that only locales that use a dot (.) as a decimal separator display values correctly when printing or emailing.

Processing Check Payments

Using Payment Selection

  1. Create a payment using Payment Selection. The payment status will be "Retrieved". If you try to print a check when the payment status is "Retrieved" the document will be blank.
  2. Click Classic View, then Save. The payment status will change to "Selected".
  3. Open the payment again from the Payments tab.
  4. Print your checks by clicking Print Check PDF button. If your check template includes a check number, when the payment status is "Selected" the document prints without a check number.
  5. When you have printed your checks onto check stock, and you know which check numbers you have used, click Classic View then Pay. The Check Numbering page opens.
  6. Confirm the check numbers used for the payment print run, then click Confirm and pay.
  7. The Payment status changes to "Matched", and the payment process is now complete.

Using Payments Plus

  1. Create a payment using Payments Plus.
  2. When you have completed the Prepare Checks step, the payment status will be "Media Prepared" and the checks can be printed.
  3. To print your checks click Print Checks.
  4. When you have printed your checks onto check stock, verify the numbers you have used. If the check numbers are correct click Post & Match.
  5. You are taken to the Payment Summary page. The Payment status changes to "Matched", and the payment process is now complete.

Emailing Remittances

Setting up Remittance Emails

  1. Go to Setup | Apps | Packaging | Installed Packages.
  2. In the Action column next to Certinia Conga Connector click Configure.
  3. Below the Conga Solution Extractor header click Extract Non-Linked Conga Templates.
  4. In the Conga Solution Name (Master Object Type) column, ensure REM (c2g__codaPaymentAccountLineItem__c) is selected.
  5. Click Extract Conga Solutions.
  6. When the process finishes click Add Remote Site. A new page opens.
  7. Verify the details and then close that window and return to Conga Solution Extractor.
  8. In the In the Conga Solution Link column, ensure Email Remittance is selected and click Create Conga Composer Buttons.
  9. When the process finishes click Create Conga Batch Formula Fields. This adds the Email Remittance field to the Payment Summary object in Certinia Accounting.
  10. In the Field-Level Security column click each instance of Set Field-Level Security.
  11. For each profile that requires visibility, select the checkbox in the Visible column.
  12. Click Save.

Using the Email Remittances Button

When the Email Remittances button is available on the Payment object, click this to send remittances. You are notified how many accounts are present in the current payment, and can see them listed on screen.


Emails are sent to the Finance Contact on the account. If an account has no email contact information, then an email is not created or sent. You see an error message and the Status column says "Failed".

Downloading PDF Remittances in Payments Plus

To download a PDF of remittances for electronic payments you must add two new parameters for the Print Remittance PDF button in Conga Solution.

  1. Open the tab Conga Solutions.
  2. Click Print Remittance PDF.
  3. In the section titled Button URLs, click Customize with Parameters.
  4. Add the following two parameters:

After a remittance is printed you can download a PDF copy of the remittance.

Printing in Bulk from a List View Button

This section describes how to create a button for bulk printing from List View. You can print up to 50 documents for Conga Batch's consolidated output.

  • For the button to work, you must have a formula field on the object.
  • This feature is unavailable in Lightning Experience.

The steps describe PDF printing for sales invoices. Repeat these for other documents such as sales credit notes.

Creating the Record in Conga Batch

  1. Open Conga Batch (previously called Conga Conductor) and click New to create a new Conga record.
  2. Type the Title and Description of the record, for example Bulk List View Sales Invoice, then click Save.
  3. Click Formula Builder on your record detail page.
  4. Select the Master Object on which to create the Bulk printing button, for example Sales Invoice.
  5. Select the Button / Link which has a Conga Solution, to create the formula field, for example Print Sales Invoice.
  6. For the Output Mode, select Download.
  7. Name the Formula Field, for example Print Sales Invoice Formula.
  8. Click Create Field, then Yes to update the record, and OK. Your formula field is created in the selected master object.
  9. In the Master Object Source section, click the URL Field Name and copy the value. Paste it to a text editor so that you can use it later.

You must now enable field-level security for the new formula field. See Printing with Conga Batch from Accounting.

Setting up the Button on the Object

  1. Go to Setup | Create | Objects and select Sales Invoice.
  2. In the Buttons, Links, & Actions section, click New Button or Link.
  3. Label the button following your naming standards, for example, Print Bulk Sales Invoices PDF. The Name field is automatically populated.
  4. [Optional] Type the Description for the button.
  5. Set Display Type to List Button and enable Display Checkboxes.
  6. Set Behavior to Execute JavaScript.
  7. Set the Content Source as OnClick JavaScript.
  8. Paste this text into the formula field:
    //var idArray = {!GETRECORDIDS($ObjectType.c2g__codaInvoice__c)};
    //var idArray = {!GETRECORDIDS($ObjectType.c2g__codaCreditNote__c)};
    //var idArray = {!GETRECORDIDS($ObjectType.c2g__codaPayment__c)};
    //var idArray = {!GETRECORDIDS($ObjectType.Account)};
    //This is the formula field created above				
    var urlFieldName="ComposerFormula_URL__c"; 
    var CongaURL = "" +
    "?MOID=" + idArray +
    "&SessionId={!$Api.Session_ID}" +
    "&UrlFieldName="+urlFieldName; CongaURL, "Conga", "width=700,height=450,menubar=0" );
  10. // backslashes comment out the line of text that follows. Remove // on the line relevant for your document so that the line begins var idArray = . For example, for Sales Invoices remove the // before
    var idArray = {!GETRECORDIDS( $ObjectType.c2g__codaInvoice__c)};
  11. Replace ComposerFormula_URL__c with your saved URL.
  12. [Optional] If you want to add your own document type, add a line in the format:
    var idArray = {!GETRECORDIDS( $ObjectType.Account )};
  13. Remove $Object Type.Account.
  14. Select $ObjectType in the Select Field Type then from the picklist select the document type that you want.
  15. Click Save.

Adding Button to List View

  1. To launch the Conga Batch solution from the List View button, go back to the list view page of your master object, for example Sales Invoice.
  2. In the Search Layouts section of the page, click Edit for the Sales Invoices List View.
  3. Select your new button from the Available Buttons list and click the right arrow, then Save.

Using the List View Button

  1. Go to the Sales Invoice object and click Go to refresh the page. Your new button is visible.
  2. Select the invoices to download, then click Print Bulk Sales Invoice. You receive an error message if you select more than 50 records to download.
  3. When you are ready to begin the batch process, click Start. Batch Status shows Completed! Your selected records are collated and presented in a zip file. If you are printing PDFs, a Consolidate PDFs into a single file checkbox also displays.

Printing in Bulk with Distributed Output

This section describes how to create a button for bulk printing of PDF Sales invoice documents selected using a query or Salesforce report. Documents are output to a Google drive where you can print from. You can distribute up to 1000 documents.


For the button to work, you must have a formula field on the object.

You can specify your selection using one of the following:

  • Report ID: You need to create a Salesforce report that contains a list of Master Object IDs. Conga Batch uses this report to determine which records are included in the batch operation. The Salesforce ID of this report is referenced in the Report Id field under Master Object Source on the Conga Batch record.
  • Query ID: Instead of a Salesforce report, you may use a SOQL query as the Master Object Source. Queries are typically used when reports are not available due to Salesforce security settings or if the required records cannot be retrieved using a report. Just like using a report as the Master Object Source, Conga Batch uses this query to determine which records are included in the batch operation. The Salesforce ID of the Conga Query record is referenced in the Query Id field under Master Object Source on the Conga Batch record.
  • Record ID: Provide the individual record ID to include the record in your batch. This tells the Batch record what object to look at and so displays all the composer buttons on the object.

This section uses the example of a query ID.

If you want to use a new Conga Batch record:

  1. Open Conga Batch (previously called Conga Conductor) and click New to create a new Conga record.
  2. Type the Title and Description of the record, for example Bulk PDF Sales Invoice, then click Save.
  3. Click Formula Builder on your record detail page.
  4. Select the Master Object on which to create the Bulk printing button, for example Sales Invoice.

If you want to use an existing Conga Batch record:

  1. Open Conga Batch (previously called Conga Conductor).
  2. Select the relevant Batch Name.
  3. Click Formula Builder on your record detail page.

Setting Up the Distributed Output: Sales Invoices and Sales Credit Notes

  1. Select the Button / Link which has a Conga Solution, to create the formula field, for example Print Sales Invoice PDF.
  2. Name the Formula Field, for example Print Sales Invoice Formula.
  3. For the Output Mode, select, for example, Store in Google Drive.
    See Setting Up Your Google Drive.
  4. Go back to Conga Batch Formula Builder and click Create Field, then Yes to update the record with the field name.
  5. Click OK. Your formula field is created in the selected master object.

You must now enable field-level security for the new formula field. See Printing with Conga Batch from Accounting.

Setting Up the Distributed Output: Statements

  1. Select the Button / Link which has a Conga Solution, to create the formula field, for example Print Sales Invoice PDF.
  2. Name the Formula Field, for example Print Statement Formula.
  3. For the Output Mode, select, for example, Store in Google Drive.
    See Setting Up Your Google Drive.
  4. Create a formula field on the Account object which can hold Id(c2g__CODAFinanceContact__r.Id).
  5. Go back to Conga Batch Formula Builder and replace c2g__CODAFinanceContactId__c field text with the formula field you created.
  6. Click OK. Your formula field is created in the selected master object.

You must now enable field-level security for the new formula field. See Printing with Conga Batch from Accounting.

Setting Up Your Google Drive

  1. Go to Conga Conductors Setup.
  2. [Optional] You may receive an error message about your Salesforce Token. If you receive the error message, click OK.
  3. Click Update Salesforce Token, then Update Google Token.
  4. When you click Update Google Token for the first time, you need to provide a Google username and password for the area to store your documents.
    You now have a Conga Documents folder in the Google Drive where documents will be downloaded.

Selecting the Documents to Print

In this example use the Query ID:

  1. Open Conga Queries in another tab and click New.
  2. Type the Name and Description of the record, for example Bulk Sales Invoice PDF, then click Save.
  3. Use the Conga Query Builder to create the SOQL select query. For example, these steps show how to create a query to select sales invoices:
    1. Click Conga Query Builder.
    2. Select the base object, for example, Sales Invoice, then click Next.
    3. Select the Record ID column, then click Next.
    4. Select any Selection Criteria, for example Name from the Company list, and add the company name to the Value field.
    5. You can limit the Number of rows to display. Make sure that you add a number up to 1000 (the limit), then click Next.
    6. Check the SOQL statement that you have created. Click Back to edit it or Save.
  4. Copy the ID from the URL in the browser, for example a2oi00000005q3l.
  5. Go to the Conga Batch record that you just created and paste it in the Query ID field, then click Save.

Using Distributed Output

  1. On the Conga Batch page, click Launch.
  2. When you are ready to begin the batch process, click Start. Batch Status shows Completed! Files are created depending on the output mode you selected.

This example results in sales invoice documents being created and stored in a Conga Documents folder on your Google Drive.

Scheduling Bulk Printing

Setting up Bulk Printing

To set up the bulk printing schedule using Conga Batch, either use an existing record or create a new record:


You need to follow these steps once for every user who is authorized to schedule a batch run of records in the orgs that work with Conga Batch.

  1. Make sure that the record you use contains one of:
    • Report ID
    • Query ID
    • Record ID
  2. Click the Conga Batch (previously called Conga Conductor) Setup tab.
  3. Select the Scheduled Batch Master Switch checkbox to enable Batch to periodically scan your instance of Salesforce, and click Save Changes.
  4. In the Credentials section, click either Create Salesforce Token or Update Salesforce Token.
    This token is listed in Salesforce in My Settings | Personal | Advanced User Details | OAuth Connected Apps.

In future, you may be prompted to update your Salesforce token.

Creating a Schedule

  1. Open the Batch record that you want to schedule and click Schedule.
  2. Select the Frequency from Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. The Repeat details update.
  3. Select the Start Date, End Date, and Preferred Start Time to run the scheduled batch merge. The date displays in US formatting (month/day/year). The time zone displays the running user’s time zone.
  4. Click Save Changes, then Enable. The Conga Batch record describes the Schedule. Your Batch record will now run automatically as scheduled.
  5. To disable the schedule click Schedule, then Disable.
  6. To delete the schedule click Schedule, then Unschedule.

Conga Batch batch limits are 50 records for consolidated output and 1000 records for distributed output.