Upgrading Conga Connector Spring 2022

If you are upgrading from versions of Conga Connector earlier than Spring 2022, you must complete a set of mandatory steps below to avoid errors.

Withholding Tax in Conga PDF

These are the steps:

  1. Create a Conga Query for Sales Credit Notes
  2. Create a Conga Query for Sales Invoices
  3. Replace the DOCX Files in Conga Templates
  4. Update Conga Solutions for Conga Buttons
Note: If you do not require or use withholding functionality, you can skip these four steps.

Create a Conga Query for Sales Credit Notes

  1. Go to Conga Queries | New.
  2. In the Name field enter:
    Sales Credit Note Withholding Tax Details [SCNWTDTL].
  3. In the Description field, enter your preferred description.
  4. In the SOQL Select Statement field, enter:
    SELECT c2g__WithholdingTax__r.Name, c2g__WithholdingRate__c FROM c2g__codaCreditNote__c WHERE Id = '{pv0}' and c2g__WithholdingTax__c != null
  5. Click Save.

Create a Conga Query for Sales Invoices

  1. Go to Conga Queries | New.
  2. In the Name field enter:
    Sales Invoice Withholding Tax Details [SIWTDTL].
  3. In the Description field, enter your preferred description.
  4. In the SOQL Select Statement field, enter:
    SELECT c2g__WithholdingTax__r.Name, c2g__WithholdingRate__c FROM c2g__codaInvoice__c WHERE Id = '{pv0}' and c2g__WithholdingTax__c != null
  5. Click Save.

Replace the DOCX Files in Conga Templates

In this part you must replace the DOCX file in all related Conga templates.

Note: Before proceeding with this part you must download the DOCX files mentioned in the DOCX File Names table below. To do this, switch to Salesforce Classic, go to Documents and in the Folder field select Non-linked Conga Templates Folder. Click Go. Download the DOCX files in the table below.
  1. Go to Conga Templates and click the Template Name of the template you want to edit.
  2. Click Related.
  3. In the Notes & Attachments section, click View All.
  4. On the line of the DOCX file you want to delete, click | Delete.
  5. Confirm you want to delete the existing DOCX file.
  6. Click Upload Files and add the new DOCX file.
  7. When the file has finished uploading, click Done.

DOCX File Names

Conga Template Name

DOCX File Name

Sales Credit Note Template Combined


Sales Credit Note Template GST


Sales Credit Note Template VAT


Sales Invoice Template Combined


Sales Invoice Template GST


Sales Invoice Template VAT


Note: For SUT companies, as withholding tax is not relevant functionality, the SUT templates require no changes.

Update Conga Solutions for Conga Buttons

  1. Go to Conga Solutions.
  2. For each solution below, click the Conga Solution Name.
    • Attach Sales Invoice PDF
    • Email Sales Credit Note
    • Email Sales Invoice
    • Print Sales Credit Note
    • Print Sales Credit Note PDF
    • Print Sales Invoice
    • Print Sales Invoice PDF
  3. In the Button URLs section, click Add Query Data.
  4. In the Select A Query section, use the Query Name Search to find the name of the query you added in Create a Conga Query for Sales Credit Notes and Create a Conga Query for Sales Invoices.
  5. Select the Query Name from the list.
  6. In the Alias field, for the sales invoice solutions enter SIWTDTL. For sales credit note solutions enter SCNWTDTL.
  7. Click Add Conga Query to Solution Record.
  8. Click Return to Solution Record | Update Button.
  9. Repeat steps 3-8 for all Conga Solutions in step 2.

QR Code for Conga Sales Invoices - Switzerland

Sales invoices for Swiss companies now benefit from the addition of a QR code that is added to the PDF document.

These are the steps:

  1. Create a Conga Query
  2. Update Existing Conga Query Payment Remittance Details [Rem]
  3. Replace DOCX Files in Conga Templates
  4. Update Conga Solutions

Create a Conga Query

  1. Go to Conga Queries | New.
  2. In the Name field enter:
    Sales Invoice QR Code [SIQR].
  3. In the Description field enter:
    Created By Solution Pack for Composer Solution: Sales Invoice QR Code (c2g__codaInvoice__c)
  4. In the SOQL Select Statement field, enter:
    SELECT Id from Attachment Where Name LIKE '%QRCode.png' AND ParentId = '{pv0}' ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 1
  5. Click Save.

Update Existing Conga Query Payment Remittance Details [Rem]

  1. Go to Conga Queries.
  2. In the search bar enter:
    Payment Remittance Details [Rem]
  3. At the end of the line click | Edit.
  4. In the SOQL Select Statement field, add this subquery to the existing Select Statement query, immediately before the FROM clause:
    (SELECT Id FROM Attachments WHERE NAME LIKE '%QRCode.png' LIMIT 1)
  5. Click Save.

Replace DOCX Files in Conga Templates

In this part you must replace the DOCX file in all related Conga templates.

Note: Before proceeding with this part you must download the DOCX files mentioned in the DOCX File Names table below. To do this, switch to Salesforce Classic, go to Documents and in the Folder field select Non-linked Conga Templates Folder. Click Go. Download the DOCX files in the table below.
  1. Go to Conga Templates and click the Template Name of the template you want to edit.
  2. Click Related.
  3. In the Notes & Attachments section, click View All.
  4. On the line of the DOCX file you want to delete, click | Delete.
  5. Confirm you want to delete the existing DOCX file.
  6. Click Upload Files and add the new DOCX file.
  7. When the file has finished uploading, click Done.

DOCX File Names

Conga Template Name

DOCX File Name

Remittance Template VATMass_Template_Batch_FT4_SPT_2016_01_30_00_59_10.docx

Sales Invoice Template VAT


Update Conga Solutions

  1. Go to Conga Solutions.
  2. For each solution below, click the Conga Solution Name. 
    • Attach Sales Invoice PDF
    • Email Sales Invoice
    • Print Sales Invoice
    • Print Sales Invoice PDF
  3. In the Button URLs section, click Add Query Data.
  4. In the Select A Query section, use the Query Name Search to find the name of the query you added in Create a Conga Query.
  5. Select the Query Name from the list.
  6. In the Alias field enter SIQR.
  7. Click Add Conga Query to Solution Record.
  8. Click Return to Solution Record | Update Button.
  9. Repeat steps 3-8 for all Conga Solutions in step 2.