Cell Comments in Plans

You can add comments to plan cells. This enables you to collaborate with other users or store additional information on a cell. This can be useful when creating a plan or a plan scenarioClosed Represents an independent scenario, version, or snapshot of a plan. that requires input from other users, or when reviewing values provided by other users.


You can only add comments to measures, which are plan cells that contain numeric values. You cannot add comments to empty cells, dimensions, or column headers.

The comments that you add to a cell are grouped in a thread. The thread contains a history of all the comments. Once all the comments in a thread have been actioned on, you can resolve the thread to mark it as complete. You can reopen a resolved thread to add more comments to it. If you make a mistake, you can edit and delete your own comments in open threads.


If you export the plan as an XLSX file, the comments are not exported to the XLSX file. Similarly, if you send the plan to Analytics, the comments are not stored in the Analytics dataset.