Plan Scenario Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Plan Scenario object.


We recommend that you not view, create, edit, or delete records for this object using the standard Salesforce screens and buttons. Instead, we recommend that you perform all actions related to scenarios from a plan. For more information, see Plan Scenarios.

Key: * – Mandatory field, R – Read-only

Plan Scenario Fields
Field   Description
Created From   The scenario that the current scenario was originally created from.
Default Scenario R Indicates whether the scenario is the default scenario for the plan to which it belongs.
Description   The description of the scenario.
Locking Job   For system use. The asynchronous plan job that is currently being executed against the scenario.
Plan * The plan that the scenario belongs to.
Plan Name and Scenario Name R For system use. The name of the plan that the scenario belongs to, followed by $. and the name of the scenario.
Plan Scenario Name * The name of the scenario.