Creating a Plan from a Plan Template

You can create plans in Extended Planning and Analysis from existing plan templates.


Before creating a plan from a plan template, ensure that:

  • You have at least one plan template already created.
  • You must have assigned the CRM Analytics Platform User permission set.

To create a plan from a plan template:

  1. On the Plans tab, click New. The New Plan window appears.
  2. Select Template and click Next.
  3. Search for and select the plan template that you want to use to create the plan.
  4. Click Next. The Input Data Source and Data Source Description fields are automatically populated from the plan template and you cannot change them.
  5. Enter a unique name for your plan. For example, Financial Plan from Template.
  6. [Optional] Enter the description.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Depending on how the plan template is configured, do the following:

    1. If all of the filter values are locked and cannot be changed, proceed to step 9.
    2. For each filter value that is not populated and is required, select a dimension value.
    3. [Optional] For each filter value that is populated but can be changed, select a new value if required.
  9. Click Save.