Financial Matching Flow Intermediate Processing

ERP Cloud

After importing the input fields and augmenting them with the data from their lookup objects, the Financial Analytics dataflow filters out non-relevant or repeated records.

You can use the dataflow editor in Analytics Studio to visualize the Financial Analytics dataflow and its nodes. Alternatively, you can download the dataflow definition file which is a JSON file representing the dataflow and its logic. For more information on the dataflow editor and the dataflow definition file, see the Salesforce Help.


Modifying the Financial Analytics dataflow might result in the loss of functionality. Contact your system administrator before using the data manager tool in Analytics.


This is the main filter node in the Financial Matching flow.

Filter Node in the Financial Matching Flow
Node Description
CashMatching_Duplicates_FILTER This filter removes duplicated records based on the Transaction Line Items IDs from both objects.

Calculated Fields

These are the fields calculated by the Financial Matching flow.

Calculated Fields in the Financial Matching Flow
Field Label Field API Name Description
FRB Adjusted Year-End Balance Date FRBAdjustedYearEndBalanceDate

Calculated from the transaction's period end date:

  • If the period number is 101 and the GLA type is Balance Sheet, the value in the field is the period end date plus one day.
  • If the period number is 000 and the GLA type is Retained Earnings, the value in the field is the period end date minus one day.
  • In any other case the field is the same as the period end date.