Scanned Payable Document Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a Scanned Payable Document.

Key -

* – Mandatory field

R – Read-only

Scanned Payable Document Fields
Field   Description
Account   The account that relates to the scanned payable document.
Account Email R The account’s email address related to the scanned payable document.
Account Phone R The account's phone number related to the scanned payable document.
Account VAT Number R An identification number used for identifying businesses or individuals for tax purposes.

The company that relates to the scanned payable document.

Note: You can edit the Company field from the Review & Edit window.
Dimension 1-4  

The name of the dimensions that relate to the scanned payable document.

These are lookup fields to the Accounting Dimensions 1-4 objects and are added for the Accounting package. By default, the Dimensions 1-3 fields are updated from the region, practice, and group records associated with the project related to the scanned payable document. The Dimension 4 field is populated with the project. The optical character recognition (OCR) scans the received invoice document for the project name. The project name is then matched with the existing project records to automatically populate the Project field on the scanned payable document. There are different scenarios to identify whether they match or not.

Note: You can change the default mappings. For example, you might want to map practices to dimension 1 records, regions to dimension 2 records, and projects to dimension 3 records.

For more information, see Populating the PSA Project and Dimension 1-4 Fields.

Due Date   The due date for the scanned payable document.
Error Details R Specify the error information when parsing or creating a payable invoice.
Invoice Currency   The currency of the invoice on the scanned payable document.
Invoice Date   The date of invoice on the scanned payable document.
Invoice Page Count R For system use. Determines the page count of the invoice.
Invoice Total   The total value of all the lines on the scanned payable document, including the tax.
Net Total   The total value of all the lines on the scanned payable document, excluding the tax.
Payable Invoice  

The payable invoice that the scanned payable document relates to.

This is a lookup field to the Payable Invoice object and is added for the Accounting package.


The project that the scanned payable document relates to.

This is a lookup field to the Project object and is added for the PSA – Accounting Connector package.

Purchase Order Number   The purchase order number related to the scanned payable document.
Status R

Status of the scanned payable document. The following are the scanned payable document statuses:

  • Complete
  • Confirmed
  • Discarded
  • Failed
  • New
Note: You can only edit a scanned payable document that is in "Failed" status.
Vendor Invoice Number   Vendor invoice number in the scanned payable document.

Scanned Payable Document Line Item Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up the Scanned Payable Document Line Item.

Scanned Payable Document Line Item Fields




Invoice Line Number


The invoice line number of the scanned payable document line.

Line Description


Description of the scanned payable document line.

Net Value


Net value of the scanned payable document line.

Quantity   The quantity of the scanned payable document line.

Scanned Payable Document Number


The number of the scanned payable document.

Quick Action Buttons

The following quick actions and buttons are available in the Scanned Payable Document record page.

Button Description
Create Invoice

Creates an invoice from the scanned payable document.

Note: The Create Invoice button is visible only for scanned payable documents with "Confirmed" status.

Discards the scanned payable document.

Note: Note: The Discard button is visible only for scanned payable documents with "Failed" and and “Confirmed” status.
Review & Edit

Review and edit the scanned payable document along with a preview of the attached invoice in a window. You can edit the document if anything is missing or inaccurate.

Note: The Review & Edit button is visible only for scanned payable documents with "Failed" status.

The following quick actions and buttons are available in the Review & Edit window.

Button Name Description
Confirm   Confirms the changes on the Review & Edit window.
Save & Continue Later   Allows you to save the scanned payable document and continue at a later stage.
Cancel   Cancels any unsaved changes.
Vertical View Displays the attached invoice document in a vertical view, along with line item details.
Horizontal View Displays the attached invoice document in a horizontal view, along with line item details.

The following quick actions and buttons are available in the Scanned Payable Document Lines section.

Button Name Description
Search Lines Enter the scanned payable document name in the Search field and select it from the list.
Add Lines Adds a new row to the scanned payable document line.
Delete Lines Deletes the selected row from the scanned payable document line.

The following quick actions and buttons are available in the preview panel of the Review & Edit window.

Button Name Description
Zoom Out Zooms out on the attached invoice document.
Zoom In Zooms in on the attached invoice document.
Open in new tab Allows to open the attached invoice document in a new tab.