Certinia KPI Card Fields

This topic describes the fields that are available when configuring the FDN KPI Card component in the Lightning App Builder, and KPI cards in the App Page Cards Panel Config Builder and the Cards Panel Configuration Builder.


We recommend that you use these cards on clones of Certinia Lightning app pages or record pages.

FDN KPI Card Component Fields

The fields in the table below are in the Lightning App Builder component properties.

Key: * – Mandatory field

R - For record pages only

A - For app pages only

FDN KPI Card Component Fields




Object API Name



The API name of the object that provides information for the component. For custom objects, include the relevant namespace, such as pse__Proj__c.

List View API Name



The API name of the list view that provides information for the component, such as Active_Projects_Forecasting. To specify the standard All list view for a Certinia custom object, include the relevant namespace, such as pse__All.

Related List Name



The name of the related list that is linked to the object where the card is used.


A custom title for the count. If you leave the field blank, the name of the corresponding list view is displayed. The title is also linked to the list view.


A custom description that is displayed below the card title.

We recommend that you add a description.

Field API Name  

The API name of the field used to calculate the KPI. If blank, the total number of records in the selected list view is used. Enter a field name to display the value of the field for all records in the list view.

Calculation Type  

The calculation type to be used for the field API name. If you haven't entered a field API name, the calculation type is Count.

Label   A custom description of the KPI. If blank:
  • On an app page, the field in the Field API Name field is used. If Field API Name is blank, the object name is used.

  • On a record page, the field in the Field API Name field is used. If Field API Name is blank, the related list in the Related List Name field is used.

Default Threshold Color  

The default color of the card when the card value is within the threshold limits or there are no threshold values.

The default is Gray.

Greater Than Threshold Value  

When the card's value is higher than this threshold, the card is highlighted with the color defined in the Greater Than Threshold Color field.

Values are between 0 and 100.

Greater Than Threshold Color  

The color for the card when its value is higher than the value in the Greater Than Threshold Value field.

The default is Gray.

Less Than Threshold Value  

When the card's value is lower than this threshold, the card is highlighted with the color defined in the Less Than Threshold Color field.

Values are between 0 and 100.

Less Than Threshold Color  

The color for the card when its value is lower than the value in the Less Than Threshold Value field.

The default is Gray.

KPI Card Fields in Component Builders

The fields in the table below are in the KPI card configuration windows in the component builders.

Key: * – Mandatory field

R - For record pages only

A - For app pages only

KPI Card Fields in Component Builders







The name of the object that provides information for the component, such as Accounts.
Note: This is only for the App Page Cards Panel Config Builder page.
List View



The name of the list view that provides information for the component, such as All Accounts.

Note: This is only for the App Page Cards Panel Config Builder page.
Card Type



The card type that you selected to add to the panel.

Note: This is only for the Cards Panel Configuration Builder page.

Related List



The name of the related list that is linked to the object where the card is used.

Note: This is only for the Cards Panel Configuration Builder page.
Card Title  

A custom title for the count. If you leave the field blank, the name of the corresponding list view is displayed.

Field Name  

The name of the field on the object in the Related List field that is used to calculate the KPI. If blank, the total number of records in the selected list view is used. Enter a field name to display the value of the field for all records in the list view.

Label   A custom description of the KPI. If blank:
  • On an app page, the field in the Field Name field is used. If Field Name is blank, the object name is used.

  • On a record page, the field in the Field Name field is used. If Field Name is blank, the related list in the Related List field is used.


A custom description that is displayed below the card title.

We recommend that you add a description.

Calculation Type  

The calculation type to be used for the field name. If you haven't entered a field name, the calculation type is Count.

Default Color  

The default color of the card when the card value is within the threshold limits or there are no threshold values.

The default is Gray.

Greater Than Threshold Number  

When the card's value is higher than this threshold, the card is highlighted with the color defined in the Greater Than Threshold Color field.

Values are between 0 and 100.

Greater Than Threshold Color  

The color for the card when its value is higher than the value in the Greater Than Threshold Value field.

Less Than Threshold Number  

When the card's value is lower than this threshold, the card is highlighted with the color defined in the Less Than Threshold Color field.

Values are between 0 and 100.

Less Than Threshold Color  

The color for the card when its value is lower than the value in the Less Than Threshold Value field.

For more information on controlling component visibility, see the Salesforce Help.