
Foundations enables registered products to send and receive information and transform it for the purposes of the receiving application. You can use Foundations to send and receive information between Certinia products and other products on your orgClosed.

Foundations consists of several apps:

  • The Foundations Core Concepts app, which contains common Certinia components that Certinia products use and extend.
  • The Foundations Administration app, which is a messaging system that enables Foundations to send information from one registered product to another registered product using publications and subscriptions. In addition, you can transform information so that it is suitable for the subscribing product.
  • The User Management app, which enables you to create and update Salesforce user records, set user profiles, assign licenses and permission sets. In addition, you can use the Permission Workbench tab compare and merge field and object permissions.
  • The Currency & Exchange Rates app, which enables you to manage exchange rates, exchange rate groups, and currencies in Foundations.
  • The Customer Engagement app, which enables you to manage engagement records, monitor the entire lifecycle of your interaction with a specific customer, report on, and analyze the relevant data.