Importing Cash Receipts from a CSV File
Once you have created your bank lockbox and its import mapping definition, you can import the CSV file that the bank has sent to you.
To import cash receipts from a lockbox CSV file:
Do either of the following:
- Click the AR Cash Transactions tab, then click New.
- Navigate to the detail page for the bank lockbox you intend to use, then click New AR Cash Transaction.
Complete the following fields on the Import AR Cash Transaction page:
- Bank Lockbox. Pick the bank lockbox you intend to use. This will already be populated if you have started from the Bank Lockbox Detail page.
- Bank Charges. Enter any bank charges that apply to the AR cash transaction at header level.
- Deposit Date. Specify the deposit date.
- Validate Deposit Date. When this checkbox is enabled, errors are logged if the deposit date on the records being imported does not match the Deposit Date specified above. When disabled, the deposit date on the records being imported is replaced by the Deposit Date specified above.
- Matching Date. The matching date that will be used during the matching process.
- Click Choose File to browse for the CSV file you are importing.
- When you have chosen the file, click Import.
Once you have clicked the Import button, the AR Cash Transaction Detail page is displayed. The import runs as a batch process and you will receive an email when the process has completed. The CSV file is stored as an attachment on the AR Cash Transaction record.
All the records in the CSV file are imported as separate lines on the same AR Cash Transaction.
If all the lines import successfully, the status of the AR Cash Transaction will be "Imported". If some lines import successfully but others fail, the AR Cash Transaction status will be "Error". See "Dealing with import errors" below for information about what to do if an error occurs.
When a line imports successfully, some details (such as customer account) may be derived from the associated SIN or SCN document number.
Dealing with Import Errors
After importing your cash receipts from a CSV file, if one or more lines have the status of "Error" you should check the AR Cash Transaction Errors Log to see what caused the errors. You can correct import errors for an individual AR cash transaction line item by clicking the Edit action in the AR Cash Transaction Line Item list. Once you have corrected the error (for example, by supplying a value that was missing), save your changes to the line item; the line's status will change to "Imported" if the line now contains all the required information.
Entering Discount and Write-off Values
Discount and write-off values can either be imported from the CSV file by mapping their columns to the Discount Amount and Write-off Amount fields in the lockbox definition, or they can be entered on AR cash transaction line items once the CSV file has been imported.
To enter discount and write-off values on individual AR cash transaction line items, click the Edit action in the AR Cash Transaction Line Item list. (You can only edit an AR cash transaction line item when its status is "Imported" or "Error". ) Enter the adjustment value in the Discount Amount or Write-Off Amount field.
See Cash Matching for information about how discounts and write-offs are handled during cash matching.