Action Queues Cycle Count Tab
The Cycle Count tab enables you to manage your cycle counts. In this tab you can perform and confirm cycle counts to ensure that items exist in a warehouse as described in the inventory. From the Cycle Count tab you can print the details of each cycle count, enter the number of items at each location, and confirm the results of cycle counts that have taken place. You can also request a recount.
You can find the Cycle Count tab:
- For Lightning Experience, as a standard tab included in the Action Queues app.
- For Salesforce Classic, as a subtab within the Action Queues tab.
The Lightning version of the Cycle Count tab includes the following subtabs:
- Cycle Count: Displays initiated cycle counts. Enables you to print cycle counts
and enter the number of item units found at each location. For information on how to initiate cycle counts, see Initiating a Cycle Count.
- Confirm Cycle Count: Displays cycle counts that have been completed and therefore are ready to be confirmed. From this subtab you can confirm the results of the completed cycle counts and request recounts.
For details on how to preform cycle counts in the Cycle Count tab, see Carrying Out a Cycle Count.