Shipping Fields

Here is a description of the fields available on the Shipping object.

Key: R – Read-only .

Field Description
Carrier The selected carrier for the shipment. The option selected for this field determines the options available for the Carrier Service field.
Carrier Fees Total amount of fees for the selected carrier.
Carrier Service The type of carrier service selected for the shipment. This field is dependent on the Carrier field. The option selected in the Carrier field determines the options available for this field.
Carrier Tracking Number The shipment tracking number provided by the carrier.
Customer Account Contact Lookup to the related contact for the shipment.
Customer Address The customer ship-to address. Taken from the Override Ship To Address field on the related sales order. If Override Ship To Address field is blank, the address is taken from the shipping address of the customer account associated with the sales order.
Customer Name Name of the customer that the shipment is shipped to. Taken from the Customer Site Sold To field on the related sales order.
Declared Value

The valuation of this shipment. It is typically used for insurance purposes.

Drop Ship?

Indicates whether there is a drop ship address associated with the related sales order.

Drop Ship Name

The name for the drop shipment.

Drop Ship City The drop ship address information.
Drop Ship Country
Drop Ship Line 1
Drop Ship Line 2
Drop Ship State / Province
Drop Ship Zip / Postal Code

Indicates whether the shipment has been exported. When an external process exports the shipment, this field is automatically selected.

Handling Charge

The additional handling fee for the shipment (surcharges).

Insurance Value The insurance value of the items on the shipment.
Invoicing Lookup to the related invoice.
Number of Boxes The number of boxes included in the shipment.
Package Height The height of the package included in the shipment.
Package Length The length of the package included in the shipment.
Package Type

The type of package included in the shipment. Available values are:

  • "Letter"
  • "Box"
  • "Pallet"
  • "Drum"

The default value is "Box".

Package Width The width of the package included in the shipment.

Lookup to the related picklist. The picklist contains the list of items that are to be picked for shipping. This field is automatically populated by background processes.

Purchase Order Lookup to the related purchase order.
Receiving Warehouse Lookup to the warehouse where the items on the shipment are to be received. This is for internal transfers requests, indicates the warehouse where the items are being transferred.
Requestor Department

The department that requests the shipment. Available values are:

  • "Accounting"
  • "Inventory Management"
  • "Marketing"
  • "Procurement"
  • "Sales"

The default value is "Sales".

Sales Order Lookup to the related sales order.
Shipment Date The date that the shipment is confirmed.
Shipment Date/Time The date and time that the shipment is confirmed.
Shipment Number A sequential number prefixed by Shipment- that is automatically generated and uniquely identifies the shipment.
Shipment Options

The chosen shipment options for the shipment. Allows for multiple options. Available options are:

  • "Collect on Delivery"
  • "Delivery Confirmation"
  • "Signature Required"
  • "Advanced Shipment Notice E-Mail"
  • "Advanced Shipment Notice FAX"
  • "International Shipment"

The default value is "Collect on Delivery".

Shipment Requestor

The name of the shipment requestor.

Shipment Services

The selected shipment services for the shipment. Available options are:

  • "Most Economical"
  • "Three (3) Day"
  • "Two (2) Day"
  • "Overnight"
  • "Courier"
  • "Company Truck LTL"
  • "Company Truck FTL"

The default value is "Most Economical".

Shipment Type

The record type of the shipment. Possible types are:

  • "Requested": ad hoc shipment requests.
  • "Customer": shipments to known customer contacts.
  • "Supplier": shipments to known supplier contacts.
  • "Transfer": shipments for transfer requests to another warehouse or inventory control point.

When the shipment is complete, the different types have different effects on inventory and financial transactions.


The status of the shipment. Possible statuses are:

  • "Queued for shipment awaiting items": indicates that the picklist associated with the shipment hasn't been confirmed yet, so the shipment cannot be confirmed.
  • "Queued for shipment items issued": indicates that the picklist associated with the shipment has been confirmed and the shipment is awaiting confirmation.
  • "Shipped pending receipt": for transfer request shipments only. Indicates that the transfer request shipment has been confirmed and the creation of its corresponding receipt is pending.
  • "Shipment complete": indicates that the shipping process is complete and no more actions are required on the shipment. Shipments are set to this status once they've been confirmed. In the case of transfer requests shipments, they are set to this status only after their receipt has been created.

This field is automatically populated by background processes.

Supplier Address The supplier address to which the shipment is to be shipped. This is for supplier shipment types. The values are taken from the address details of the supplier site on the related purchase order.
Supplier Contact Lookup to the related supplier contact for the shipment.
Supplier Name The supplier to which the shipment is to be shipped. This is taken from the value in the Supplier Site field of the related purchase order.
Tax Carrier Fees?

Indicates whether tax carrier fees must be calculated for the shipment.

Tax Handling Charge?

Indicates whether tax handling charges must be calculated for the shipment.

Transfer Request Lookup to the related transfer request.
Truck Load

The truck load that the shipment is related to.

Shipments can be grouped together in a single truck load. A shipment is related to a truck load when more than one shipment goes out on a single truck. Not all shipments assigned to a specific truck load are necessarily going to the same destination.


The total weight of all items (boxes, drums, pallets, and so on) being shipped.


Button Name Description
Print Pack Slip Opens a print preview of the packing slip for the current shipment.

Adds serial numbers to shipment items that have Inbound Outbound Serial Number Control.


Enables you to confirm the shipment once it is complete. This will trigger relieving inventory and creating the invoice.


Displays the documents included in the inventory attachment of the invoice line associated with the shipment.

Print Certificate Opens a print preview of the certificate of conformance for the current shipment.