Customizing Permission Set Groups

ERP Cloud

Certinia provides permission set groups that can be used default and customized.

To customize a permission set group for a specific role:

  1. Create a new permission set and add it to a permission set group to extend the permissions granted. A custom permission can be added to multiple permission set groups. For example, to add access to the Credit Card Number field.
  2. Create a new permission set with required field permissions and add it to a permission set group. Create a new muting permission set on the selected permission set group to remove access. For example, to remove access to the Credit Card Number field, add the Credit Card Number field to a muting permission set for the functional permission that grants access to the Credit Card Number field.
Note: You can create only one muting permission set per permission set group.

Irrespective of the number of permission sets in the permission set group that grants access to the Actuals field, the Actuals field access is not given to the assigned user as it is contained in a muting permission set. For more information, see "Mute a Permission in a Permission Set Group" in the Salesforce Help.

Note: The muting of access does not affect access provided by any other permission set groups, permission sets, or profiles assigned to the user. If the user has access to the actuals object granted by another permission set or permission set group, they will access the field.
Tip: If no packaged permission set group aligns with the user's role, you can create a new custom permission set group combining multiple Certinia permission sets and assign this to the user. This approach still allows permission sets in a group to be upgraded in future releases.