Output List

Outputs the specified fields from a query against a Salesforce object.


<output_list object="Salesforce Object" relation="relationship field" order_by="api_field_name,...">
<filter field="FilterOn_api_field_name" operator="equal,less,less_or_equal,greater,greater_or_equal,not_equal" value="value to compare to" />
<filter ... />
<filter ... />
<ol_field name="Name" format="NumberFormat,DateFormat,DateTimeFormat"/>


  • Salesforce Object is the API name of the object on which to output information from.
  • relationship field is the field to obtain the information from.
  • api_field_name,.. is the fields to sort the records on.

You can add <filter> tags to filter the information returned by the <output_list> tag. Where:

  • FilterOn_api_field_name is the API name of the field to filter the records returned by the output_list.
  • equal, less, less_or_equal, greater, greater_or_equal, not_equal is the way in which to compare the api_field_name with the value to compare to.
  • value to compare to is the value to compare the api_field_name with to determine which records to include in the results.

You can filter information in the parent object by placing a <field> tag in the value attribute.

If your template contains an <output_list> tag, that tag must contain at least one <ol_field> tag. The <ol_field> tag determines the fields that appear in the output. Where:


When you include more than one <filter> tag, the filters are added together using AND logic. This allows you to specify a ranges of values to filter on.

Sample Code

<output_list object="pse__Timecard_Header__c" relation="pse__Project__c">
<filter field="pse__End_Date__c" operator="not_equal"
value="<field name="Status_Report_Week_Ending__c" format="yyyy-mm-dd" />" />
<ol_field name="pse__Resource__r.Name"/>
<ol_field name="pse__Sunday_Hours__c" format="decimals:1;separator:,;"/>
<ol_field name="pse__Monday_Hours__c" format="decimals:1;separator:,;"/>
<ol_field name="pse__Tuesday_Hours__c" format="decimals:1;separator:,;"/>
<ol_field name="pse__Wednesday_Hours__c" format="decimals:1;separator:,;"/>
<ol_field name="pse__Thursday_Hours__c" format="decimals:1;separator:,;"/>
<ol_field name="pse__Friday_Hours__c" format="decimals:1;separator:,;"/>
<ol_field name="pse__Saturday_Hours__c" format="decimals:1;separator:,;"/>
<ol_field name="pse__Total_Hours__c" format="decimals:1;separator:,;"/>

You can filter information in the parent object by placing a field tag inside the value attribute. For instance, this sample returns only those records where the Status_Report_Run_For__c field matches the Date__c field on the parent record:

<filter field="Date__c" operator="equal"value="<field name="Status_Report_Run_For__c" format="yyyy-mm-dd" />" />