Creating Miscellaneous Adjustments from a Single Payable Invoice Expense Line Item

Professional Services CloudERP Cloud

To create miscellaneous adjustments from a single payable invoice expense line item:

  1. Click the Payable Invoice Expense Line Items tab.
  2. Open the expense line item that you want to create miscellaneous adjustments from.
  3. Click Create Miscellaneous Adjustment. If the expense line item is eligible for creating miscellaneous adjustments, a confirmation message displays. If the expense line item is not eligible, a list of errors displays. If that happens, do the following:
    1. Click Close.
    2. Fix each error.
    3. Perform this step again.
  4. Click Create. If the Recharge Customer field is selected, two miscellaneous adjustments are created. Otherwise, a single miscellaneous adjustment is created. Once the records are created, success messages display.
  5. [Optional] Click the name of a miscellaneous adjustment to open it.