Creating Sales Invoices and Credit Notes from Billing Events Awaiting Release

Professional Services CloudERP Cloud

You can use the Billing Events Awaiting Release tab to release eligible billing events and immediately create sales invoices and credit notes from the released billing events. For more information about this tab, see Billing Events Awaiting Release Tab.


You can only perform these steps in Lightning and if PSA – Accounting Connector is running in enhanced modeClosed.

To release billing events and create sales invoices and credit notes:

  1. Open the Billing Events Awaiting Release tab.
  2. Select the billing events that you want to create sales invoices and credit notes from.
  3. Click Release and Invoice. If one or more of the selected billing events cannot be released or are not eligible for creating a sales invoice or a credit note, a warning message displays.

    If you continue, only eligible billing events are processed successfully. App log records are created for billing events that cannot be released. If a billing event is released successfully but is not eligible for creating a sales invoice or credit note, it is logged as an error in the process run. The related process log also contains an error message that explains why the billing event is not eligible.


    Depending on the number of billing events that you select, you might not see a warning message even if some of the billing events are not eligible. For more information, see BE Validation Limit for BEAR and BEAI and contact your administrator.

  4. Click Release and Invoice.

The process starts in the background. Billing events are first released, and you are notified when that stage of the process finishes.


If one billing event in a background process batch cannot be released, the entire batch fails. None of the billing events in that batch are released and can be passed to Accounting. The size of each batch is determined by the releaseBatchSize configuration option. For more information, see Billing Settings.

After all the billing events are released, PSA – Accounting Connector creates sales invoices and credit notes. You are notified by email once this stage of the process finishes. The email is also sent to additional email addresses defined by your administrator. For more information, see Additional Notification Recipients.

The notification email contains the number of successfully created sales invoices and credit notes and the number of billing events that could not be passed to Accounting. From the email, you can access the relevant process run record. The process run contains log entries for each record that was processed.


The process run record does not contain information about the release stage of the process.