Expense Report Fields

Professional Services CloudERP Cloud

The Expense Report and Expense objects are included in PSA. For a description of the fields included in PSA, see Expense and Expense Report Fields.

Here is a description of the fields that PSA – Accounting Connector adds to the Expense Report object.

Key: R – Read-only, E – Only applicable when the integration is running in enhanced modeClosed, L – Only used when the integration is running in legacy modeClosed.

Fields Added to the Expense Report Object



Related Flows

Automatically Pass to Accounting E When selected, the expense report is automatically passed to Accounting as soon as it becomes eligible. Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Eligible for Payable Credit Note



Indicates whether the expense report is eligible for creating a payable credit note (1) or not (0).

Set to 1 when all the following are true:

  • Total Reimbursement Amount contains a negative value.
  • Approved is selected.
  • Expense Reimbursement Account is populated.
Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Eligible for Payable Invoice



Indicates whether the expense report is eligible for creating a payable credit note (1) or not (0).

Set to 1 when all the following are true:

  • Total Reimbursement Amount contains a positive value or zero.
  • Approved is selected.
  • Expense Reimbursement Account is populated.
Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes

Accounting company the expense report relates to.

Automatically populated from the related project. Depending on the value of the Company Source for BE, ER, and MA custom setting field, the company is populated from the region, practice, or group related to the project.

Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Passed to Accounting  

Indicates whether the expense report has been passed to Accounting.

Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Expense Report Currency  

Accounting currency for the expense report.

Automatically set to the Accounting currency linked to the company that has the same ISO code as the Currency field.

Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Expense Reimbursement Account  

Account used to reimburse the resource for the expenses in the expense report. When the expense report is passed to Accounting, this becomes the account of the payable invoice or credit note.

Automatically populated from the Expense Reimbursement Account field of the related resource.


If you manually select a reimbursement account for the expense report, it is overwritten with the reimbursement account from the related resource when you save your changes. If the resource doesn't have a reimbursement account, this field is set to a blank value on the expense report.

Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Expense GLA Code   General ledger account for vendor invoice items created for expenses related to the expense report. If this field is blank, the Expense GLA Code defined for the related assignment, milestone, or project is used. Vendor Invoices to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Services Product  

Product or service for billing events items created for the expenses related to the expense report.

If this field is blank, the Services Product defined for the related assignment, milestone, or project is used.

Billing Events to Sales Invoices or Credit Notes


Here is a description of the Lightning action and the buttons that PSA – Accounting Connector adds to the Expense Report object.

Lightning Action Added to the Expense Report Object
Action Description
Create Payable Invoice or Credit Note

Creates a payable invoice or credit note from an eligible expense report.

  • Only available when the integration is running in enhanced mode.
  • This Lightning action replaces the Create Payable Invoice/Credit Note detail page button.
Buttons Added to the Expense Report Object
Button Type Description
Create Payable Invoice/Credit Note Detail Page Button Creates a payable invoice or credit note from an eligible expense report.
Create Payable Invoices/Credit Notes List Button Creates a payable invoices and credit notes from eligible expense reports.

Expense Fields

Here is a description of the fields that PSA – Accounting Connector adds to the Expense object.

Key: R – Read-only, L – Only used when the integration is running in legacy modeClosed.

Fields Added to the Expense Object



Related Flows

Expense GLA Code  

General ledger account related to the expense.

Depending on the flow, this is used to populate:

  • The General Ledger Account field of the payable invoice or credit note expense line item created from the expense.
  • The GLA Code field of vendor invoice item created for the expense. In this case, if the field is blank, the Expense GLA Code defined for the related expense report, assignment, milestone, or project is used. For more information, see How Is the GLA Code Field Populated for a Vendor Invoice Item Record?

This field can be automatically populated based on the expense type GLA mappings defined in your org. For more information, see Creating Expense Type GLA Mappings.


When PSA – Accounting Connector is installed in your org, expense reports cannot be approved if this field is blank. You can change this behavior using the Expense (Reimbursable) GLA Optional and Expense (Non-Reimbursable) GLA Optional custom setting fields.

Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes

Vendor Invoices to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes

Net Value - Credit


Credit value not including tax.

This is the Net Value with the opposite sign.

Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Net Value



Debit value not including tax.

Calculated as Reimbursement Amount - Reimbursement Tax.


If the Non-Reimbursable field is selected, the Net Value is set to zero.

Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes



Indicates whether the expense is eligible for being passed to Accounting when a payable invoice or credit note is created from the related expense report.

Set to 1 when the Non-Reimbursable field is deselected. Otherwise, set to 0.

Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Reimbursement Tax R

Total tax in the reimbursement currency relating to the debit value of the expense.

Calculated as Incurred Tax divided by Exchange Rate (Incurred Currency), then multiplied by Exchange Rate (Reimbursement Currency).

Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Reimbursement Tax - Credit



Total tax in the reimbursement currency relating to the credit value of the expense.

This is the Reimbursement Tax with the opposite sign.

Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes
Services Product  

Product or service for the billing event item created for the expense.

If this field is blank, the Services Product defined for the related expense report, assignment, milestone, or project is used.

Billing Events to Sales Invoices or Credit Notes