PSA – Accounting ConnectorLightning Components

PSA – Accounting Connector contains several Lightning components that you can add to any Lightning app page. For more information about adding the components to your own app pages, see the Salesforce Help.


The components are only available in Lightning and if PSA – Accounting Connector is running in enhanced modeClosed When PSA – Accounting Connector runs in enhanced mode, it uses the improved mechanism introduced starting with Spring 2021. This includes better flow execution performance and a modern user experience. Enhanced mode is enabled when the Run Integration in Enhanced Mode field in the PSA – Accounting Connector Settings custom setting is selected..

PSA – Accounting Connector Lightning Components and the Actions They Contain




PSA – Accounting Scheduling Actions Add actions for scheduling jobs for PSA – Accounting Connector. Manage Scheduled Jobs
PSA – Accounting Mapping Actions Add actions related to viewing and customizing mappings for PSA – Accounting Connector.

Manage Mappings

Restore Default Mappings

PSA - Accounting RPGP to Dimension Mappings Add and customize mappings for PSA – Accounting Connector. Restore Default Mappings

Deprecated Lightning Components

The following Lightning components have been marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you remove them from any custom Lightning app pages and replace them with the appropriate component.

Deprecated PSA – Accounting Connector Lightning Components and Their Replacements


Deprecated In


Replacement Component

DEPRECATED: PSA – Accounting Connector ClickLink Rules Actions Fall 2021 This component has been deprecated because ClickLink rules are no longer used in enhanced mode. PSA – Accounting Mapping Actions
DEPRECATED: PSA – Accounting Connector Integration Rules Actions Fall 2021 This component has been deprecated because integration rules are no longer used in enhanced mode. PSA – Accounting Mapping Actions