Assigning Multiple Resources to Projects

You can assign multiple resources to a single project and update the scheduling strategies for assignments.

Your administrator must:

  • Add PSA Actions: Assignments to your Project record page from Lightning App Builder.
  • Assign you the PSA - Manage Project Assignments permission set for this functionality to be visible, or refer to the PSA Technical Documentation Pack if a custom permission set is required.
  • Add Staffing permission to the project and resources.
  • Add columns in the Select Resources grid: by default the columns displayed are Resource Name, Resource Role, Region, Practice, and Group.
    • To add the Availability column, select Use Utilization Engine in the Utilization Settings custom setting.
    • To add custom columns in the Select Resources grid, specify the API name of the custom field set in the Assign Multiple Resources Columns field in the Assignment Settings custom setting.
    Tip: Text Encrypted columns are not displayed in the grid. Also, if the column type is Rich Text Area, the column is displayed but the text is not formatted.
  • To customize the filters and add custom fields, use the Assign Multiple Resources to Project Filter Options field set on the Contact object.
  • To customize the columns displayed in the Assignment Details grid, select the following in the Assignment Settings custom setting:
    • Display Planned Bill Rate to display the Planned Bill Rate column.
    • Mass Assign Milestone Editable to display the Milestone Column and select Mass Assign Milestone Required to make it a required column.
    • Mass Assign Budget Allocation Editable to display the Budget Allocation Column and select Mass Assign Budget Allocation Required to make it a required column.
    • Role Hidden to hide the Role column from the grid. By default, it’s deselected and the Role column is displayed in the grid.
    • The Role Required on Creation checkbox to make it a mandatory column. This checkbox takes priority over the Role Hidden checkbox. If you are selecting the Role required on Creation checkbox, the Role column is always displayed in the grid and is mandatory when creating a new assignment.

    For more information, see Assignment Settings.

  • To customize the Scheduling Strategy in the Schedule Selected Items window:
    • In the Assignment Settings custom setting, customize the Scheduling Strategy picklist displayed in the Schedule Selected Items window by selecting the desired scheduling strategies. At least one must be selected for the functionality to work, else an error is thrown.
    • Select the Adjust Hours Strategy Respects Holidays checkbox for the Adjust Hours Per Day scheduling strategy to respect work calendar holidays.


For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.

Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.


If Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, the records in the Resource, Account, and Opportunity search lookup window are filtered using only the Name field in the grid.

To assign multiple resources to a project:

  1. On a Project record page, click Assignments | Assign Multiple Resources to Project. The window opens. By default, the resources displayed are filtered by the Region, Practice, and Group on the Project.
The Project must have a start date and end date to apply and clear filters.
  1. To clear the applied filters and display other resources, click | Clear.
  2. [Optional] Click to filter the resources in the grid.
  3. Select the filters and click Apply. The resources are filtered depending on the criteria selected. For more information, see Using the Resource Filter in the PSA Resourcing Lightning Component
  4. Select the resources from the Select Resources grid. You can sort the columns in the grid in ascending and descending order.
  5. [Optional] Search the resources you want to assign to the project by entering the first three letters of the name.
  6. Select resources and click to pin the resources to the grid. The pinned resources sorted by resource name are moved to the top of the grid with the pin icon displayed in a column to the left-hand side of the resource name.
  7. To remove the pinned resources, select the resources and click . The pin is removed from the particular resource. The pinned resources always stay at the top of the grid even when you perform the sorting and search for the resource by name.
Note: The pinned resources are browser and user dependent.
  1. [Optional] Click the resource name in the grid to open the record page in a new tab.
  2. [Optional] Click Show Selected to display the selected resources. You can sort and search the selected resources.
  3. [Optional] Click Show All to display all the resources. The state of selected resources, applied filters, and pinned resources are retained when switching between Show Selected and Show All.
  4. Select the checkboxes of one or more resources you want to assign. Click Next. The selected resources are populated in the grid in the Assignment Details section.
The selections and filters applied are retained on the Select Resources grid when you click Back in the Assignment Details section.
  1. [Optional] Update the editable fields to change the assignment details for the selected resources. To edit or update multiple columns, select the columns and click Edit. In the popup that opens, add the value, select the Update (0) selected items checkbox and click Apply.
  • Scheduling Strategy, Start Date, End Date, Scheduled Hours, Resource, and working days from the work calendar are read-only columns.
  • By default, the scheduling strategy is None.
  • Start Date, End Date, Scheduled Hours, and Bill Rate are required fields in the Assignment Details grid. To customize the columns displayed in the grid, contact your administrator.
  • If the value in the Role, Milestone, or Budget Allocation column is "None" when that field is marked as required in the Assignment Settings custom setting, an inline error is thrown.
    1. [Optional] You can filter the assignments by searching resources in the search field.
    2. Select one or more assignments you want to delete and click .
    3. [Optional] To apply the scheduling strategy and to change the start date and end date, select the rows and click Schedule Selected Items. The Schedule Selected Items window opens.
    Note: The start date and end date are not editable from the Assignment Details grid. To edit the start date and end date you must click Schedule Selected Items.
    1. Select the scheduling strategy, specify the scheduled hours, start date, and end date. You can select "None" as a scheduling strategy to apply the schedule depending on the start date and end date. The scheduled hours are then calculated using the working days and working hours on the selected resources' work calendars.
    2. Click Schedule.
    1. Click Assign All to create assignments for all the records displayed in the Assignment Details grid.
    • You can create up to 200 assignments from the Assignment Details grid.
    • Bill Rate is editable only when the Billable checkbox is selected.
    • When the value of a selected resource's default cost rate is changed, the Use Default Cost Rate column checkbox is automatically deselected for the respective assignment.
    • The Mass Assignments Default Ignore Holidays field in the Assignment Settings custom setting is not supported because a schedule exception is created when the resource works on a holiday. The field is supported on the Visualforce page, and when no scheduling strategy is selected.
    • If you select the Custom scheduling strategy in the Schedule Selected Items window, scheduled hours are also required.
    • When a project is billable, then assignments can be billable or non-billable, but if the project is non-billable, the assignments are also non-billable.
    • Currently, it is not possible to select a scheduling strategy to control the pattern of work. By default, the assignments are created using the hours per day as mentioned in the resource's work calendar between the start and end date of the assignments.