Async Job Records Fields

Here is a description of the fields available on the Async Job Record object.

Note: This object is for internal use only.

The Async Job Records object stores the status of the async jobs for the estimates or actuals. Navigate to the Async Job Records tab, to view and monitor the status of all asynchronous jobs.

Any errors that occur are recorded in logs, which you can access from the App Logs related list.

Async Job Records Fields
Field Description
Apex Request ID Indicates the relevant debug logs.
Callable Name The process name that you are monitoring.
Complete Indicates whether the async job is completed or failed.
Error Displays the error details when the async job fails.
Failed Indicates the async job has failed.
Finalizer Apex Request ID The ID of the queueable set for the finalizer that is used to query the records of that finalizer queueable.
Finalizer Callable Name A class that performs additional work after the main part of the job is completed, regardless of whether it was successful or not. Note: All job records will have a finalizer so this field can be blank.
Finalizer Error Displays the error details when the finalizer fails.
Finalizer Result Displays the result of the finalizer callable execution.
Finalizer Status

Displays the status of the finalizer part of the async job, if it has one. The following are the finalizer statutes:

  • NOT STARTED - The job has yet to start.
  • ENQUEUED - The job is enqueued.
  • RUNNING - The job is running. The queueable job is under Apex Jobs.
  • COMPLETE - The job is completed without error.
  • ERROR - The job has failed.

The status of the asynchronous job. The following are the async job statutes:

  • NOT STARTED - The job has yet to start.
  • ENQUEUED - The job is enqueued.
  • RUNNING - The job is running. The queueable job is under Apex Jobs.
  • COMPLETE - The job is completed without error.
  • ERROR - The job has failed.
Succeeded Indicates that the async job is successful.
Worker The worker jobs that run in the background include the dead job, sweeper, and monitor job.