Continuous Calculation of Actuals

Professional Services Cloud

The Actual Calculate Delta Continuous mode automatically processes transaction deltas when they are created by the related business records such as Timecards, Expenses and so on. This results in near real-time updates of Actuals. The job is enabled by default but can be disabled by setting UseActualsCalculateDeltaContinuous configuration option to false. In this mode, the transaction deltas are processed by the asynchronous ActualsCalculateDeltaContinuous job as they are created.

Note: If you want to enable continuous calculation of transaction deltas, ensure the CalculationMode configuration option is not set to "Immediate".

For more information about the configuration options, see Actuals Settings.

The continuous transaction delta job is automatically started on the creation of new transaction deltas only when:

  • The continuous mode is enabled by setting the UseActualsCalculateDeltaContinuous configuration option to true.
  • The actuals are not locked.
  • The continuous transaction delta job is not already started.
  • The continuous transaction delta job is not aborted by setting the AbortActualsCalculateDeltaContinuous configuration option to true.
  • If the continuous transaction delta job is running when the scheduled project recalculation job starts, the continuous transaction delta job is aborted.
  • If you are in continuous mode, you cannot schedule or run batch process jobs.
  • If you are in continuous mode, the actuals delta calculation job starts when the actuals are unlocked.
  • If you are in continuous mode, you cannot run the Actuals Calculate Delta Batch process job. This job option is not available in PSA Visualforce pages in continuous mode. In Lightning, this job option is available but you cannot run it.
  • In continuous mode, the delta recalculation restarts when the actuals verifier, project actuals, or resource actuals recalculation processes are complete.