External Calendars Integration with PSA Settings

Use the custom setting fields to control the behavior of the process of using the external calendars with PSA.

Fields in the External Calendar Events Settings

External Calendar Events Settings Fields



Default Value

Assignment Calendar Event Title The API name of a field on the Assignment object. The value in this field is used as the Assignment event title in the calendar.  
Assignment Event Description Fieldset The API name of the field set created on the Assignment object. The fields in this field set are used for the Assignment event description in the calendar.  
Named Credential for Google To simplify the setup of authenticated callouts, specify the API name of the named credential for Google as a callout endpoint. This named credential is used for calendar event creation.  
Named Credential for Outlook To simplify the setup of authenticated callouts, specify the API name of the named credential for Outlook as a callout endpoint. This named credential is used for calendar event creation.  
PTA Calendar Event Title The API name of a field on the PTA object. The value in this field is used as the PTA event title in the calendar.  
PTA Event Description Fieldset The API name of the field set created on the PTA object. The fields in this field set are used for the PTA event description in the calendar.  
Resource Calendar Id Field The API name for the email field created on the Contact object. The email in the field identifies the resource's calendar Id to sync the calendar events.  
Show as Busy When selected, it displays the calendar status as busy for the synced events. deselected
Sync Assignment with External Calendar When selected, sync the assignments with an external calendar by creating events for it. deselected
Sync PTA with External Calendar When selected, sync the PTAs with an external calendar by creating events for it. deselected