Using Lookups

Professional Services Cloud

Particular lookups may behave differently when Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org. For more information, see Shield Platform Encryption.

On some fields you can click a lookup icon to display a popup window. The icon may vary slightly depending on the lookup or screen you're on. You can search for and select an item such as a resource, project or an assignment. Filter results in lookups don't necessarily show all results by default. If you want to view all results in a lookup, click Show all results if the this option is available. Your administrator may have configured the columns that appear in the search results.

Typeahead Feature

On some fields with a lookup, you can use the typeahead feature. Start typing the name of an item, and as you continue to type, matching results are displayed. You'll need to type the required amount of characters for the typeahead feature to find matching results.

Resource and Assignment Lookup

When you create a new expense or edit an existing one, you can use the Lookup popup to search for Resources and Assignments. Detailed search fields are available on the Resource and Assignment Lookup. Recent Assignments are displayed, and you can also view current and add new Nicknames to Assignments using the Add link in the Nickname column on the lookup popup.

Your administrator can control the number of recent projects and assignments initially displayed.

Project/Assignment Lookup

The Project/Assignment lookup has the following tabs:

  • Recent Project/Assignments
  • Search Results

When you open the Project/Assignment lookup, the tab displayed by default depends on how many characters you've typed before searching. On the Recent Project/Assignments tab you can select an assignment that you recently viewed. If the project or assignment that you want is not displayed in the list, you can search for it using the Search field. The results of a search are displayed on the Search Results tab.

Issue and Risk Lookups

You can associate risks with issues and vice versa. For example, you can view the history of a risk related to an issue to understand why the risk became an issue. On an issue, for instance, you can use the Risk lookup to associate the two records with each other. You can add risks as a related list on the Issue page and vice versa if you want to.

The following columns are displayed by default in the Risk or Issue lookup:

  • Number
  • Name
  • Project
  • Opportunity
  • Status

Default filter search results in the columns are applied according to the project and opportunity. For instance, whether the project or opportunity is populated or blank on the risk or issue.

This table shows scenarios for the risk and issue lookup filter results and what you can search on based on example combinations where Project A and Project B are populated or are blank:

Project Opportunity Issue or Risk Filter Result Search
Blank Blank Filter Result not applied. Not available.
A Blank Issues or risks associated to Project A. All results.
A B Issues or risks associated to Project A and Opportunity B.
Blank B Issues or risks associated to Opportunity B.

To create issues and risks, see Creating an Issue and Creating a Risk respectively.


You can filter the search results on some lookups so that they display only results that match the criteria you specify. For instance, the Milestone lookup on an assignment. To filter search results:

  1. Click Show Filters to display the filters that you can use to narrow the results.
  2. Complete the fields that you want to filter the results on.
  3. Click Apply Filters.

Optional Lookups

Your administrator may have configured optional filters on these lookups:

  • Assignment lookup on a timecard.
  • Assignment lookup on an expense report.
  • Assignment lookup on an expense.
  • Milestone lookup on a project task.
  • Milestone lookup on a timecard.
  • Milestone lookup on an assignment.
  • Milestone lookup on an expense report.
  • Milestone lookup on an expense.
  • Project Manager lookup on a project
  • Resource lookup on a permission control.
  • Resource lookup on a timecard.
  • Resource lookup on an assignment.
  • Resource lookup on an expense report.
  • Resource lookup on an expense.
  • Resource (Staffer_Resource__c) lookup on a resource request.
  • RPG Manager and Owner lookups on RPG objects.
  • Suggested Resource (Resource__c) lookup on a resource request.