Setting up the Resource and Project Planners

Professional Services Cloud

Carry out the following steps if you want to use the Resource and Project Planners in your organization.

Enable Additional Planner Filters

Each planner is supplied with a list of default fields in a field set that your organization can use to filter data.

To add additional filters:

  1. Click Setup | Object Manager | Project object.
  2. On the Project object, click Field Sets | Project Planner Enabled Filters.
  3. Drag the fields you want from the "Available in the Field Set" list to the "In the Field Set" list.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 1–4 for the "Resource Planner Enabled Filters" field set on the Contact object to enable the fields you want Resource Planner to filter on in your organization.

Specify Additional Fields in the Create Assignments Dialog

If you offer additional fields as part of the Create Assignments dialog in Resource and Project Planners, define the field set to use for specifying the additional fields.

  1. From Setup, click Develop | Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage on the "Planners - Project" custom setting.
  3. Specify a field set containing the additional fields you want to display. For more information, see Assn Additional Fields Field Set Name.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the "Planners - Resource" custom setting.

Assign Permissions for Saving Filters

If you want users to save filters in Resource and Project Planners, assign users Read, Create, Edit, and Delete permissions on the Filter and Filter Set object permissions. For more information, see Assigning and Removing Permission Sets and Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.