Work Opportunities Hub Settings

Professional Services Cloud

This custom setting contains fields that enable resources to express interest in upcoming work opportunities.


Field Description Default
Candidates Can Self-Nominate for Work Enables candidates to express interest in resource requests that have the Allow Candidates to Self-Nominate checkbox selected. Unchecked
Candidate Limit Allows up to this amount of candidates to express interest in a single resource request. The default is up to five candidates being supported if no value or 0 is selected. 5
Filter by Resource Group Enables filtering by a resource's group when viewing resource requests that are enabled for self-nomination. True
Filter by Resource Practice Enables filtering by a resource's practice when viewing resource requests that are enabled for self-nomination. True
Filter by Resource Region Enables filtering by a resource's region when viewing resource requests that are enabled for self-nomination. True
Filter by Resource Role Enables filtering by a resource's role when viewing resource requests that are enabled for self-nomination. True
Filter by Resource Skill Request Enables filtering of resources by resource skill requests when viewing resource requests that are enabled for self-nomination. True