Preparing to Upgrade

Professional Services Cloud

This section lists things to consider before upgrading PSA.

Dependencies on Other Certinia Packages

You must install the following packages before upgrading:

When upgrading PSA, the context sensitive help links on each PSA custom object might not update automatically, depending on the version that you are upgrading from.

Your Customer Support representative can update the links for you, if required.

Supported Browsers

Apart from the exceptions below, PSA Summer 2024 supports the same browsers that Salesforce supports. See "Supported Browsers" in the Salesforce Help for detailed information. Ensure popup blockers are turned off for Salesforce in your browser settings.

Exceptions to Browsers Supported by Salesforce

Exceptions are:

  • Safari for Windows is not supported, and there are known issues related to its use.
  • The following PSA features are not optimized for zooming or scrolling on touchscreen devices:
    • Resource and Project Planners
    • Project Task Gantt