Customizing PSA Direct for Concur Expense Mappings
The mappings used by the connector are defined as records of the custom metadata type PSA to Concur Field.
The PSA Direct for Concur provides default mappings but further mappings must be added before the system can be used. Depending on your requirements, you can modify existing or create new mappings.
PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector provides the following field mappings:
- Concur to PSA Expense Report Mappings
- Concur to PSA Expense Mappings
- PSA Project to Concur Mappings
- PSA Resource to Concur Mappings
- PSA Assignment to Concur Mappings
For more information about the default mapping records for each mapping, see Mapping Default Records for PSA Direct for Concur Expense Fields.
For steps on how to create, edit, or delete custom mappings, see the following: