PSA Direct for Jira Queue Status Fields

The PSA Direct for Jira Queue Status tab uses the following fields.

Field Description
Connector Flow Identifies the flow of the connector. For example, messages from PSA Direct for Jira connector to Atlassian Jira or vice-versa.
Correlation ID The unique ID of the related issue or worklog in Jira that is used for synchronization with PSA and vice-versa. This field automatically populates after synchronizing the object between PSA and Jira or vice-versa.
Event Type

Display the Jira event types:

  • IssueCreated
  • IssueUpdated
  • IssueDeleted
  • WorklogCreated
  • WorklogUpdated
  • WorklogDeleted
  • CommentCreated
  • CommentUpdated
  • CommentDeleted
  • AttachmentCreated
  • AttachmentDeleted
Issue ID Unique Jira ID of the issue.
Jira Issue Key The key to the Jira issue.
Jira Issue Type Indicated the type of Jira issue. For example, Epic, Story, etc. The PSA Direct for Jira Queue Status does not display the event type synced from Jira to PSA.
Processing Message The processing message will contain an error, information, warning, or no message related to the event status.
Start Date Date and timestamp when the message queue events are started.

Status of the connector flow. For example,

  • "Failed" - Messages that failed to be processed.
  • "Pending" - Messages pending to be processed. For example, if the connector is paused.
  • "Skipped" - Messages that were skipped.
  • "Succeeded" - Messages successfully processed.
User ID Unique ID of the author that created the Jira Worklog or Jira Issue.


Button Description
Rerun Reruns single or multiple messages that are in non-pending status.

Skip execution of single or multiple messages that are in pending status.

Refresh and reload the list of queue messages.
Defines and applies filters to PSA Direct for Jira queue status messages.