Viewing Project Details

The Project Details view of the PSA Project Scheduling Risk dashboard displays revenue or costs information specific to one project, which can be drilled down to the resource or role level for the last 13 weeks or next 13 weeks.

The Project Details view enables you to:

  • Toggle to view information for the Last 13 Weeks and Next 13 Weeks of the project.
  • In the Last 13 Weeks or Next 13 Weeks tab, toggle to view information at Resource and Role level.
  • View the hours information for resources and roles by hovering over the bars in the bar chart.
    Note: The role's bill rate is calculated by weighted average bill rate, as a resource could have multiple assignments for different roles and so can have multiple bill rates. Therefore, the Average Bill Rate refers to the average bill rate of all resources assigned to the role for the project weighted by the hours worked.

Resource Analytics - Last 13 Weeks

The Resource view of the Last 13 Weeks dashboard has the following elements.

Project Details view of the PSA Project Scheduling Risk dashboard schematic highlighting the key elements of the resource view for the last 13 weeks.

Role Analytics - Last 13 Weeks

The Role view of the Last 13 Weeks dashboard has the following elements.

Project Details view of the PSA Project Scheduling Risk dashboard schematic highlighting the key elements of the role view for the last 13 weeks.

Resource Analytics - Next 13 Weeks

The Resource view of the Next 13 Weeks dashboard has the following elements.

Project Details view of the PSA Project Scheduling Risk dashboard schematic highlighting the key elements of the resource view for the next 13 weeks.

Role Analytics - Next 13 Weeks

The Role view of the Next 13 Weeks dashboard has the following elements.

Project Details view of the PSA Project Scheduling Risk dashboard schematic highlighting the key elements of the role view for the next 13 weeks.

PSA Project Scheduling Risk Dashboard Project Details View Elements
Element Number Name Description Calculation Referenced Calculation Source Dataset
1. View By Resource or Role Picker Defines the data displayed on the dashboard. Displays project scheduling risk by resource. None Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields
Displays project scheduling risk by role. None

Project Details

Displays the following information about the selected project:

  • Project Name
  • Billing Type
  • Project Progress, which is expressed as a percentage, along with the start and end date of the project
  • Account
  • PM

If you have planned hours for the project, then project progress percentage is calculated as:

Total Submitted hours / Planned Hours

If you don't have planned hours for the project, then project progress percentage = Project Percent Hours Complete

Resource Analytics - Last 13 Weeks

Detailed Analytics

Hours Variance, which is the percentage difference between the scheduled and actual hours, for all resources assigned to the project for the last 13 weeks.

Hours Variance = (Actual Hours - Scheduled Hours) / Scheduled Hours


Hours Variance= (EvA Actual Hours - EvA Estimated Hours) / EvA Estimated Hours


EvA Hours Variance / EvA Estimated Hours



Revenue Variance, which is the total difference between the estimated and actual revenue, for all resources assigned to the project for the last 13 weeks.

Revenue information displays when Project Revenue is selected in the View By Project Revenue or Project Costs Picker on the Scheduling Variance Summary dashboard.

Revenue Variance = Last 13 weeks Actual Revenue - Last 13 weeks Estimated Revenue Revenue Variance = EvA Actual Billable Amount - EvA Scheduled Amount

Costs Variance, which is the total difference between the estimated and actual costs, for all resources assigned to the project for the last 13 weeks.

Costs information displays when Project Costs is selected in the View By Project Revenue or Project Costs Picker on the Scheduling Variance Summary dashboard.

Costs Variance = Last 13 weeks Actual Costs - Last 13 weeks Estimated Costs Costs Variance = EvA Actual Costs - EvA Scheduled Costs

Resource Analytics - Bar Chart - Last 13 Weeks

Displays the actual and scheduled hours for each resource assigned to the project for the last 13 weeks in a bar chart. The resource whose variance has the greatest impact on revenue or costs is listed furthest left. Click on the bars for each resource to get the total hours variance % and total revenue variance.

None None

Resource Analytics - Hours Variance Trend - Last 13 Weeks 

Displays the actual and scheduled hours for the project for the last 13 weeks in a line chart.

None None
4c. Chart Legend Legend for the information displayed in the bar and line charts, which consists of actual and scheduled hours information for the resources assigned to the project, and for the project overall. Actual Hours = EvA Actual Hours


Scheduled Hours = EvA Estimated Hours

Not applicable
Role Analytics - Last 13 Weeks
5a. Detailed Analytics

Hours Variance, which is the percentage difference between the scheduled and actual hours, for all project roles for the last 13 weeks.

Hours Variance = (Actual Hours - Scheduled Hours) / Scheduled Hours


Hours Variance = (EvA Actual Hours - EvA Estimated Hours) / EvA Estimated Hours


EvA Hours Variance / EvA Estimated Hours



Revenue Variance, which is the total difference between the estimated and actual revenue, for all project roles for the last 13 weeks.

Revenue information displays when Project Revenue is selected in the View By Project Revenue or Project Costs Picker on the Scheduling Variance Summary dashboard.

Revenue Variance = Last 13 weeks Actual Revenue - Last 13 weeks Estimated Revenue Revenue Variance = EvA Actual Billable Amount - EvA Scheduled Amount

Costs Variance, which is the total difference between the estimated and actual costs, for all project roles for the last 13 weeks.

Costs information displays when Project Costs is selected in the View By Project Revenue or Project Costs Picker on the Scheduling Variance Summary dashboard.

Costs Variance = Last 13 weeks Actual Costs - Last 13 weeks Estimated Costs Costs Variance = EvA Actual Costs - EvA Scheduled Costs

Role Analytics - Bar Chart - Last 13 Weeks 

Displays the actual and scheduled hours for each project role for the last 13 weeks in a bar chart. The role whose variance has the greatest impact on revenue or costs is listed furthest left. Click on the bars for each role to get the total hours variance % and total revenue variance.

None None

Role Analytics - Hours Variance Trend - Last 13 Weeks 

Displays the actual and scheduled hours for the project for the last 13 weeks in a line chart.

None None
6c. Chart Legend Legend for the information displayed in the bar and line charts, which consists of actual and scheduled hours information for the project roles, and for the project overall. Actual Hours = EvA Actual Hours


Scheduled Hours = EvA Estimated Hours

Not applicable
Resource Analytics - Next 13 Weeks
7a Detailed Analytics

Predicted Hours Variance, which is the percentage difference between the scheduled and actual hours, for all resources assigned to the project for the next 13 weeks.

Predicted Hours Variance = Predicted Hours Variance / Scheduled Hours


Predicted Hours Variance = EvA Estimated Hours (future) * (EvA Hours Variance (past) / EvA Estimated Hours (past))


Scheduled Hours = EvA Estimated Hours


7b. Predicted Revenue Variance, which is the total difference between the estimated and actual revenue, for all resources assigned to the project for the next 13 weeks.

Revenue information displays when Project Revenue is selected in the View By Project Revenue or Project Costs Picker on the Scheduling Variance Summary dashboard.

Predicted Revenue Variance = Predicted Revenue - Estimated Revenue Predicted Revenue Variance = EvA Scheduled Amount * Average Variance % for the last 13 weeks


Estimated Revenue = EvA Scheduled Amount

Predicted Costs Variance, which is the total difference between the estimated and actual costs, for all resources assigned to the project for the next 13 weeks.

Costs information displays when Project Costs is selected in the View By Project Revenue or Project Costs Picker on the Scheduling Variance Summary dashboard.

Predicted Costs Variance = Predicted Costs - Estimated Costs

Predicted Costs = EvA Scheduled Costs * Average Variance % for the last 13 weeks


Estimated Costs = EvA Scheduled Costs


Resource Analytics - Bar Chart - Next 13 Weeks

Displays the predicted and scheduled hours for each resource assigned to the project for the next 13 weeks in a bar chart. Predicted hours are based on the actual hours for the resource for the last 13 weeks. The resource whose variance has the greatest impact on revenue or costs is listed furthest left. Click on the bars for each resource to get the predicted hours variance % and predicted revenue variance.

None None

Resource Analytics - Hours Variance Trend - Next 13 Weeks

Displays the predicted and scheduled hours for the project for the next 13 weeks in a line chart. Predicted hours are based on the actual hours for the project for the last 13 weeks.

None None
8c. Chart Legend Legend for the information displayed in the bar and line charts, which consists of predicted and scheduled hours information for the resources assigned to the project, and for the project overall. Predicted Hours = EVA Estimated Hours - (Average Variance % for last 13 weeks * EVA Estimated Hours)


Scheduled Hours = EvA Estimated Hours

Not applicable
Role Analytics - Next 13 Weeks
9a. Detailed Analytics

Predicted Hours Variance, which is the percentage difference between the scheduled and actual hours, for all project roles for the next 13 weeks.

Predicted Hours Variance = Predicted Hours Variance / Scheduled Hours


Predicted Hours Variance = EvA Estimated Hours (future) * (EvA Hours Variance (past) / EvA Estimated Hours (past))


Scheduled Hours = EvA Estimated Hours


9b. Predicted Revenue Variance, which is the total difference between the estimated and actual revenue, for all project roles for the next 13 weeks.

Revenue information displays when Project Revenue is selected in the View By Project Revenue or Project Costs Picker on the Scheduling Variance Summary dashboard.

Predicted Revenue Variance = Predicted Revenue - Estimated Revenue Predicted Revenue = EvA Scheduled Amount * Average Variance % for the last 13 weeks


Estimated Revenue = EvA Scheduled Amount

Predicted Costs Variance, which is the total difference between the estimated and actual costs, for all project roles for the next 13 weeks.

Costs information displays when Project Costs is selected in the View By Project Revenue or Project Costs Picker on the Scheduling Variance Summary dashboard.

Predicted Costs Variance = Predicted Costs - Estimated Costs

Predicted Costs = EvA Scheduled Costs * Average Variance % for the last 13 weeks


Estimated Revenue = EvA Scheduled Costs


Role Analytics - Bar Chart  - Next 13 Weeks 

Displays the predicted and scheduled hours for each project role for the next 13 weeks in a bar chart. Predicted hours are based on the actual hours for the resource for the last 13 weeks. The role whose variance has the greatest impact on revenue or costs is listed furthest left. Click on the bars for each role to get the predicted hours variance % and predicted revenue variance.

Not applicable Not applicable

Role Analytics - Hours Variance Trend  - Next 13 Weeks 

Displays the predicted and scheduled hours for the project for the next 13 weeks in a line chart. Predicted hours are based on the actual hours for the project for the last 13 weeks.

Not applicable Not applicable

Chart Legend

Legend for the information displayed in the bar and line charts, which consists of predicted and scheduled hours information for the project roles, and for the project overall.

Predicted Hours = EVA Estimated Hours - (Average Variance % for last 13 weeks * EVA Estimated Hours)


Scheduled Hours = EvA Estimated Hours
