Utilization Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields

The Utilization dataset stores fields associated with the Utilization object in PSA and its related records as well as other associated objects. The fields are:

Key: H - Hidden field

Utilization Fields

Field Type




Measures Actual Hours   A calculated field. This field is calculated by the sum of the Utilization Detail object Historical Billable Hours plus Historical Credited Hours plus Historical Excluded Hours plus Historical Non-Billable Hours.
Billable Hours   A calculated field. This field is calculated by the sum of the Utilization Detail object Historical Billable Hours plus Historical Scheduled Billable Hours plus Scheduled Billable Hours.
Credited Hours   A calculated field. This field is calculated by the sum of the Utilization Detail object Historical Credited Hours plus Scheduled Credited Hours.
Calendar Hours   A calculated field. This field is calculated by the sum of the Utilization Detail object Historical Calendar Hours plus Scheduled Calendar Hours.
Excluded Hours   A calculated field. This field is calculated by the sum of the Utilization Detail object Historical Excluded Hours plus Scheduled Excluded Hours.
Target Hours   This is the value of the Utilization Detail object Utilization Target Hours.
Scheduled Hours   A calculated field. This field is calculated by the sum of the Utilization Detail object Scheduled Billable Hours plus Scheduled Credited Hours plus Scheduled Excluded Hours plus Scheduled Held Hours plus Scheduled Non-Billable Hours.
Date Scheduled Utilization Start Date   The scheduled utilization start date. See Utilization Detail object in the PSA Help.
Scheduled Utilization End Date   The scheduled utilization end date. See Utilization Detail object in the PSA Help.
Historical Utilization Start Date   The historical utilization start date. See Utilization Detail object in the PSA Help.
Historical Utilization End Date   The historical utilization end date. See Utilization Detail object in the PSA Help.
Time Period Start Date   The start date of the associated time period.
Time Period End Date   The end date of the associated time period.
Resource Start Date   The start date of the associated resource.
Resource Last Date   The last date of the associated resource.
Utilization Start Date   A calculated field. This is the Historical Start Date if this field is not null. Else, this is the Scheduled Start Date.
Utilization End Date   A calculated field. This is the Scheduled End Date if this field is not null. Else, this is the Historical End Date.
 Dimensions Time Period Type   This is the time period for the Utilization Detail object. By default the values of this field are: Week, Month, Quarter, and Year.
Time Period Name   The name of the time period.
Utilization Calculation Name   The name of the utilization calculation associated with the record.
Is Report Master   Indicates whether the utilization calculation is the master calculation.
Resource ID   The identifier of the resource related to the utilization.
Resource Name   The name related to the contact. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Resource Role   The role related to the contact. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Is Resource   Indicates whether this contact is a PSA resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Is Resource Active   Indicates whether this is an active resource that can be assigned to projects. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Resource External   Indicates whether this is a PSA external resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Has Resource   A calculated field. Identifies if a record has a resource associated.
Resource Mailing City   The mailing city associated with the resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Resource Mailing Country   The mailing city country associated with the resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Resource Mailing State/Province   The mailing city state or province associated with the resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Resource Work Calendar   The work calendar associated with the resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Salesforce Resource User ID   The identifier of the Salesforce User contact.
Salesforce Resource User Name   The name of the Salesforce User contact.
Salesforce Resource User Photo URL   The URL of the Salesforce User contact photo. This is used by the target attainment rate chart to display profile pictures.
Region/Practice/Group Type   A calculated field. Identifies whether the record is associated with a region, practice, or group.
Region/Practice/Group Hierarchy Depth   A calculated field. The hierarchy depth value of the RPG.
RHierarchyDepth H Depending on the calculation this value can be the RPG hierarchy level of the region related to the calculation.  
PHierarchyDepth H Depending on the calculation this value can be the RPG hierarchy level of the practice related to the calculation.  
GHierarchyDepth H Depending on the calculation this value can be the RPG hierarchy level of the group related to the calculation.  
Group ID   The identifier of the group related to the contact.
Group ID Chain   The concatenation between the RPG IDs of the group related to the contact.
Group Name   The concatenation between the RPG levels of the group related to the contact.
Group Level XX   The RPG level of the group related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the group related to the contact.
Practice ID   The identifier of the practice related to the contact.
Practice ID Chain   The concatenation between the RPG IDs of the practice related to the contact.
Practice Name   The concatenation between the RPG levels of the practice related to the contact.
Practice Level XX   The RPG level of the practice related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the practice related to the contact.
Region ID   The identifier of the region related to the contact.
Region ID Chain   The concatenation between the RPG IDs of the region related to the contact.
Region Name   The concatenation between the RPG levels of the region related to the contact.
Region Level XX   The RPG level of the region related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the region related to the contact.