Related Content Pane Fields

Here is a description of the interface elements on the Related Content Pane Editor tab.

Button Bar

The button bar enables you to perform actions and navigate related content panes.

Button Bar
Button Description
Go to List Returns you to the most recently displayed list view.
Clone Creates a new related content pane from the current pane's settings. You are prompted to supply a name for the new pane. Any unsaved changes are saved to the new pane, but are not saved back to the original pane. This button is disabled if you do not have permission to edit related content panes.
Save Saves the current related content pane. This button is disabled if you do not have permission to edit related content panes.
Open Help Opens the related Reporting Help topic.
Maximize Minimize Maximizes/Restores the page in your browser window.

Key: * – Mandatory field; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.


The following fields are visible in related content panes:


Field     Description
Name * 80 A name for the related content pane. This name must be unique across your org .
Driving Object *   The driving object you choose determines which components and fields you can use on the pane. For example, to use the Contact component the driving object needs to be set to Account.
Pane Width *   The width for the related content pane at run time: Small, Medium or Large. If you change this then the components are rearranged to fit the new width. Unavailable widths will be grayed out, for example if you use a component that will not fit on a small pane.
Add Tab     Adds another tab to the pane.

Component Buttons

The following buttons enable you to perform actions on the components of a related content pane:

Component Buttons
Button Description
Component Configuration Edit the configuration information on the component. See Component Configuration.
Remove Component Remove the selected component from the tab.
Corner drag to change width or height of a component on the tab Corner drag to change the width or height of a component once you have placed it on the tab.
Corner drag to change width or height of a component after it has been saved Corner drag to change the width or height of a component after it has been saved.
Side drag to change the width of a component on the tab Side drag to change the width of a component once you have placed it on the tab.
Side drag to change the width of a component after it has been saved Side drag to change the width of a component after it has been saved.
Top or bottom drag to change the height of a component on the tab Top or bottom drag to change the height of a component once you have placed it on the tab.
Top or bottom drag to change the height of a component after it has been saved Top or bottom drag to change the height of a component after it has been saved.

Component Configuration

Key: * – Mandatory field; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Accounting Components

Matched Payments

This component allows you to view the payments matched to a transaction and drill to related documents.

Matched Payments Component
Field   Length Description
Label * 40 The component label the user sees when he launches the related content pane.

General Components

Action Views

This component provides all the Action Views functionality that is also available from the Action Views tab. You can inquire on your Reporting data as well as any other data held on the Salesforce platform.

Action Views Component
Field   Length Description
Label * 40 The component label the user sees when they launch the related content pane.
Action View Template *   The action view template that is displayed on the pane, selected from a picklist of the action view templates available on the driving object.
Related Dataview Field     The dataview field that is associated with your action view template and which relates to your selected driving object.


This component allows you to view or edit the addresses on an account.

Address Component
Field   Length Description
Label * 40 The component label the user sees when he launches the related content pane.
Field *   The field that is displayed on the pane, selected from a picklist of the fields available on the driving object.
Allow Edit     If selected, the user can edit the data from within the pane when running an action view, provided they have permission.


This component allows you to update the Chatter feed on the record. You can post or comment, attach files and follow the feed for the record. Chatter must be enabled for the object. The related content pane width needs to be a minimum of Medium for this component.

Chatter Feed Component
Field   Length Description
Label * 40 The component label the user sees when he launches the related content pane.


This component allows you to view or edit the contact details associated with an account.

Contacts Component
Field   Length Description
Label * 40 The component label the user sees when they launch the related content pane.
Field *   The field that is displayed on the pane, selected from a picklist of the fields available on the driving object.
Type     The contact type on an Account.
Allow Edit     If selected, the user can edit the data from within the pane when running an action view, provided they have permission.


This component allows you to download, upload, and view files from your Files related list.

Files Component
Field   Length Description
Label * 40 The component label the user sees when they launch the related content pane.
Action     "Download", "Upload", or "Delete".
Title     The title of the uploaded file.


This component allows you to create, edit, and view notes when Enable Notes is selected in custom settings.

Notes Component
Field   Length Description
Label * 40 The component label the user sees when they launch the related content pane.
Title     The title of the notes.
Text Preview     The text is displayed, depending on column size.

Related Lists

This component allows you to create, edit, and view Salesforce related lists.

Related Lists Component
Field   Length Description
Label * 40 The component label the user sees when they launch the related content pane.
Related List     Lists that are related to the object.
Sort Direction     Picklist, "Ascending" or "Descending"
Sort Field     Field used to sort.

Single Field

This component allows you to display any field from the selected driving object.

Single Field Component
Field   Length Description
Label * 40 The component label the user sees when they launch the related content pane.
Allow Edit     If selected, the user can edit the data from within the pane when running an action view, provided they have permission.
Search For an Object *   For lookups, this is the name of the object that contains the field that the user wants to display. You can then drill to select a field. You cannot search master-child relationships.
Select a Field     For lookups, select the first object or field. If you select a field this is the end of your selection. Otherwise, continue selecting objects until you reach the required field. Objects containing children display a chevron showing that you can drill down further. At most, you can drill down 5 levels. You cannot search master-child relationships.

Task Management

This component allows you to manage tasks related to the selected line in the results grid. For information on the fields and buttons available, see Task Management Fields.