Configuring a Salesforce Flow to Synchronize Recognition Schedules When a Source Record Is Created or Updated


These instructions are intended for users who are experienced at creating Salesforce flows. Refer to the Salesforce Help if you require more information.

If Revenue Management is configured to generate recognition schedules, you can set up a Salesforce flow so that when a source record is created or updated, the synchronize process runs to create or update its recognition schedule. This means that the source record's recognition schedule is updated immediately without you needing the run the synchronize process separately.

Here is an outline of the flow you will be building. (Click the image to expand it.)

Diagram of Process Flow to Synchronize Schedules

Before You Begin

Before you begin, Revenue Management must be configured to generate recognition schedules. For more information, see Getting Started with Recognition Schedules.


The images in these instructions are shown as thumbnails. To expand an image, click it. To close an expanded image, click it again.

Creating the Flow

In these instructions, you must specify your source object. For illustration purposes, these instructions use PSA' s Timecard as the source object.

  1. From Setup, navigate to Flows. Create a new flow of type Record-Triggered Flow.
  2. On the Configure Start window, set:

    Object: Timecard
    Trigger the Flow When: A record is created or updated
    Set Entry Conditions: None
    Optimize the Flow for: Actions and Related Records

    Screenshot of Configuring the Start of a Synchronize Flow

  3. Click Done.
  4. Click the + symbol between the Start Icon and the End icon, then choose to add an Action element.
  5. Complete the New Action window as follows:

    Action: Synchronize Recognition Schedules from source records
    Label: Synchronize Timecards
    API Name: Synchronize_Timecards
    Description: Synchronize recognition schedules when timecard is created or updated
    Set Input Values: {!$Record.Id}

    Screenshot of Adding the Synchronize Action to the Flow

  6. Click Done.
  7. Save your flow then click Activate.

Now when you create or update a timecard, the synchronize process runs to create or update the recognition schedules for that source record.