What is a 4,4,5 Calendar?

ERP Cloud

A 4,4,5 calendar is divided into four quarters. Each quarter has 13 weeks, which are grouped into two 4-week periods and one 5-week period.

An example 4,4,5 recognition calendar may look like this:

Start Date: January 3, 2010
Period Calculation Basis: 445
Number of Weeks: 52
End Date: January 1, 2011

Period Weeks Days Start Date End Date Quarter
001 4 28 January 3, 2010 January 30, 2010 Q1
002 4 28 January 31, 2010 February 27, 2010
003 5 35 February 28, 2010 April 3, 2010
004 4 28 April 4, 2010 May 1, 2010 Q2
005 4 28 May 2, 2010 May 29, 2010
006 5 35 May 30, 2010 July 3, 2010
007 4 28 July 4, 2010 July 31, 2010 Q3
008 4 28 August 1, 2010 August 28, 2010
009 5 35 August 29, 2010 October 2, 2010
010 4 28 October 3, 2010 October 30, 2010 Q4
011 4 28 October 31, 2010 November 27, 2010
012 5 35 November 28, 2010 January 1, 2011

The next 52-week year would start January 2, 2011 and end on December 31, 2011 and so on.

Alternatively, but less commonly, you can set the groupings up as 5,4,4 or 4,5,4 weeks as your business requires.

53 Week Years

The main advantage of a 4,4,5 calendar is that the end date of a period is always the same day of the week. However, one disadvantage is that it has 364 days (7 days x 52 weeks). This means that approximately every five years there will be a 53 week year to take account of this and leap years.

The extra week in a 53-week year is added to the last period of Q4. In the earlier example, Period 12 would last six weeks.