Creating a Tax Group

Before creating a tax group, you must be aware of the following:

  • All companies in the tax group, including the primary company, must have the same home currency, either AUD for GST companies or any currency for VAT companies.
  • The record type of all companies in the tax group, including the primary company, must be the same, either GST or VAT.

To create a tax group:

  1. Navigate to the Tax Groups page.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Tax Group Name field enter the name of your new tax group.
  4. In the Primary Company field enter the name of the primary company for the new tax group.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Open the tax group record.
  7. Go to the Related tab.
  8. In Tax Group Companies click New.
  9. In the Company field enter the name of the company you want to add to the tax group.
  10. Select the date the company joins the tax group. The default is today's date.
  11. Click Save.
  12. [Optional] To add more companies to the tax group, repeat steps 9-11.