Configuring Reports to Open in Accounting

You can view a consolidated financial report or any other report of the entire organization created for a financial year in the Report Builder, from the Consolidation Group page in Accounting.

On the Consolidation Group page, when you select a date and click , the created report is automatically filtered for the financial year of the selected date and opened in the Report Builder. If there are companies with different financial years in your org, the financial year of the parent company is used. For more information on the consolidation structure, see About Consolidation Group

To configure reports to open in Accounting, you must perform the following:

In the Consolidation Settings custom setting:

  • In the Consolidation Report ID field, enter the report ID of the report that you want to view. The report URL has the report ID. For example, in this report's URL, aB4Dn000000g483KAA is the report ID.
  • In the Filter Configured on Report field, enter the name of one of the five filters that you configured on the report. For example, the filter name can be any one value from FilterConfiguration1__c_Query_Filter to FilterConfiguration5__c_Query_Filter. For more information on configuring filters, see Configuring Filters in xRB Reports.

In Report Builder:

  • Ensure that one of the filters configured on the report is a period filter with the following configurations:
    • Field Type - Dimension
    • Dimension - Financial Years and Periods or Reporting Years and Periods
    • Filter Logic - Contains
  • The created report must be based on the Financial Transactions dataset.
  • On the Filter Configuration window, the Value field must be left blank while configuring the filter. It is automatically populated with the periods that belong to the parent company's financial year that contains the selected date.
  • If you have the Reporting Period feature enabled in the Feature Console in Accounting, then use the Reporting Years and Periods dimension instead of the Financial Years and Periods dimension.
  • The period name must be consistent across your organization, contain the full year it belongs to, and be in a valid format. For example, if the year is 2023, the valid period name is "2023/002".
  • If your consolidation report has accounting companies that are not involved in the consolidation or do not have any controlling ownership records, add a filter to your report to exclude those from the consolidation report. For more information on configuring filters, see Configuring Filters in xRB Reports