Importing Report Definitions

When importing your report definitions in JSON or CSV file format, you must ensure your file meets the requirements for import. We recommend you review the guidelines below for preparing your JSON and CSV files before importing them into Report Builder.

Version Restrictions

You cannot import a report definition file into an org if your destination org uses an earlier version of Report Builder than your source org. Report definitions created in later versions of Report Builder might contain functionality that is not supported in earlier versions.

You can check whether an imported report definition file is compatible with the destination org by performing the following steps:

  1. Download a sample report definition file from your destination org containing all your available reports.
  2. Note the highest schema version number in this file. For example, \"version\":-1}.
  3. Create your report definition file from your source org. Note the highest schema version number in the file.
  4. Compare these two values. If the highest schema version number in the report definition file you intend to import is greater than the highest schema version number in the sample report definition file from your destination org, then your imported reports might not display as expected.

A report definition file can contain multiple version numbers, as each version number reflects the release in which a particular element in a report definition was added. Refer to the table below for details of each version:

Schema Versions by Release
Version Release
13 Summer 2023
12 Summer 2023
11 Summer 2023
10 Spring 2023
9 Winter 2023
8 Winter 2023
7 Summer 2022
6 Summer 2022
5 Spring 2022
4 Winter 2022
3 Fall 2021
2 Summer 2021
1 Spring 2021

Although it is possible to edit the schema version number in a CSV or JSON file to bypass import restrictions, doing so might result in errors in your imported report.

JSON File Requirements

Syntax and Structure

Validate the JSON file's syntax using a JSON validator or linter to ensure it adheres to the correct JSON structure. Verify that the file follows proper nesting, and formatting, and uses valid JSON elements.

Required Fields

Review the report definition's required fields and ensure they are present in the JSON file. These fields are required for generating accurate financial reports, and their absence might result in import errors.

Unrecognized Fields

Remove any unrecognized fields from the JSON file. These fields must either match the expected properties specified in the report definition schema or be removed entirely to prevent compatibility issues during import.

Field Value Types

Ensure that each field in the JSON file has a valid value type. If any field contains an invalid value type, it might lead to errors during the import process.

CSV File Requirements

Formatting and Delimiters

Verify that your CSV file follows the appropriate formatting guidelines. Ensure that the data is organized in rows, with each column separated by the appropriate delimiter. For example, comma, tab, or semicolon.

Column Headers

Include column headers in the first row of the CSV file. These headers must reflect the data they represent and match the expected fields specified in the report definition.

Required Columns

Check the report definition's required columns and ensure they are present in the CSV file. These columns are required for generating accurate financial reports, and their absence might cause import errors.

Data Consistency

Review the CSV file for any inconsistencies, such as missing or duplicated data, special characters, or formatting errors. Correct any issues to ensure smooth import and accurate reporting.

General Recommendations

We recommend you keep a backup of your exported JSON and CSV files before making any modifications and attempting to import them into an org. This allows you to revert to the original files if required.