Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note Integration

ERP Cloud

If you use Billing Central and Accounting, you can create sales invoices and sales credit notes from billing documents. For more information about how to set up the integration, see the section below.

After you have set up the integration, you can create sales invoices from billing documents of type "Invoice" and sales credit notes from billing documents of type "Credit Note". For more information, see the following:

The integration also supports automatically creating sales invoices and credit notes from billing documents in two ways:

Setting up the Integration

Perform the following tasks to set up the integration.

Setup Tasks



Related Help Topic

1 Ensure that the relevant users have the required permissions for running the integration. Permissions for the Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note Integration
2 Ensure that each Foundations company is linked to an Accounting company. Setting up Company Integration

Ensure that each user running the integration has access to each Accounting company that they operate in.

Assigning Users to Companies
4 [Optional] Review the default mappings and customize field-level mappings. Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note Mappings
5 Configure the relevant settings. Billing Document to SIN or SCR Admin Page
6 Enable the Billing Document to Sales Invoice feature in the Feature Console. Enabling the Billing Document to SIN or SCR Feature

If the Billing Document to Transaction integration was enabled in your org, do the following:

  • Remove the Retry Post button from any page layouts for the Billing Document object that it is included in.
  • Remove the Retry Post button from the list view search layout for the Billing Document object.
Billing Document Fields
8 If you use custom page layouts, update them accordingly. Billing Document Fields
9 [Optional] Schedule automated executions of the integration. Managing Scheduled Jobs .