Creating a Cash Entry

This topic relates to creating Cash Entries in Lightning Experience.

To create a cash entry:

  1. From the App Launcher, search for Cash Entries.
  2. Click New on the Cash Entry page and fill the fields in the Cash Entry Detail section.
  3. Leave the Derive Bank Account checkbox selected to derive the bank account from the current company, or enter a specific bank account.
  4. Leave the Derive Period checkbox selected to derive it from the document date, or enter a specific period.
  5. Leave the Derive Currency checkbox selected to derive it from the bank account currency, or enter a specific currency.
  6. Enter the remaining header details for the cash entry. You can optionally enter analysis dimensions and bank charges or derive them from the bank account. If you keep the Derive Bank Charges Analysis checkbox selected, the corporate or local bank charges GLA will be derived from the corporate or local bank charges GLA assigned to the bank account.
  7. Click Save to save the cash entry.
  • [Lightning Experience Only]
    • Single-company mode: When you have one current company selected, you do not need to specify a company when creating a cash entry for the currently selected company.
    • Multi-company mode: When you have more than one current company selected, you can create a cash entry for any of the selected companies. You do not need to change the current company.
      Administrators can create cash entry for any of their user companies, regardless of their current company selection.
      You must always specify a company when creating a cash entry in multi-company mode. For more information, seeWhat is Multi-company Mode?.
  • You can also create cash entries from the Related tab of an existing cash entry.
  • To duplicate a cash entry along with its lines, click Duplicate. For more information, see Duplicating a Cash Entry.
  • Click the Matched Payments tab to view the cash entry payment details matched with any invoice
  • You cannot edit once a cash entry is discarded or completed.
  • When creating a new cash entry, or editing, or amending the dimension fields, you can assign a dimension only when the period start date and end date of that cash entry fall within the posting effective dates of that dimension. For more information, see Managing Analysis Dimensions.
  • When creating a new cash entry, or editing the GLA fields, you can assign a GLA only when the period start date and end date of that cash entry fall within the posting effective dates of that GLA. For more information, see Managing General Ledger Accounts.

Cash Entry Line Items

You can perform the following actions using the cash entry line items toolbar.

To add a new line item:

  1. From the Line Items tab on the Cash Entry page click on the toolbar. A new line is added to the line items grid.
  2. Specify the account in the line. To search, type the first two letters of your search item and select from the drop-down list or click Show All Results for: " ". The selection window opens with the searched string in the Search field, and all the related items are displayed in the grid. Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field.
  3. [Optional] Enter a line description.
  4. Enter the remaining details for the cash entry account line, including a cash entry value and any bank charges or processing fees specific to this line. We do not recommend changing a default value if it is applicable to the line item that you want to add or edit.
  5. Click Save to save the line item.
  • Click to clone a new line item using the cash entry line items grid toolbar.
  • Click to delete a line item using the cash entry line items grid toolbar.
  • The Cash Entry Value field must always be greater than zero.
  • When adding a new cash entry line, once you populate the Account field, the Dimension 1-4 fields are auto-populated.
  • While editing the dimension fields, when you search for dimensions in the Dimension 1-4 columns of a line item, disabled dimensions do not appear in the lookups. For more information, see Managing Analysis Dimensions.
  • When creating a new line item, or editing, or amending the dimension fields on the line item, you can assign a dimension only when the period start date and end date of that cash entry are within the posting effective dates of that dimension. For more information, see Managing Analysis Dimensions.
  • The Bank Account Value field is calculated automatically when a value is entered in the Cash Entry Value field. If the currency of the Cash Entry Value field and Bank Account Value field is not the same, then the Bank Account Value field is editable, otherwise it is not.
  • If there is only one cash entry line, the Account field in the Details tab is auto-populated with the same account as that on the cash entry line.
  • If the account does not have a payment method, the Account Payment Method field is auto-populated with the value in the Payment Method field of the cash entry.
  • Before creating a line item, if the Multiple Companies Configuration feature is enabled, which means that the Use Multiple Companies Configuration field in the Accounting Settings custom setting is selected, ensure that either the account or the related multiple companies account config has an accounts receivable control account or an accounts payable control account associated.

For information on matching cash entry lines with other documents, see Matching Cash Entries.