Generating Audit File

ERP Cloud
Note: The data in files can be customized according to the tax regulations of your country. This can be done by your administrator. For more information, see Customizing JSON.

  1. Go to the company. The Audit File section is visible.
  2. In the Year field select a year.
  3. [Optional] In the Transactions From field select an alternative period.
  4. [Optional] In the Transactions To field select an alternative period.
  5. Click Generate File.
  • DE Only - For each file generated, ensure the file name is sufficiently descriptive to meet the requirements of the tax authorities. For example, if a file name ends Dimensions1.txt, add a more descriptive name in accordance with the file content, for example EuropeanOffices.txt. File name changes can also be made via JSON configuration. For more information, see Customizing JSON.
  • DE Only - The Amount fields are always shown in home currency. Document currency is only shown if the document uses a foreign currency. Home currency is never shown in the Document Currency field. For more information, see Default Mappings Germany.
  • SE Only - You must generate the mandatory signature using an external tool. Prior to that, you must ensure multiple files are merged into one file. For more information, see Merging Numerous Files.

Audit File Record Limits

The default audit file record limit is different for each country. This can be edited in each audit file JSON configuration.

Country Default Record Limits
Country Default Record Limit
Austria 7,000
Belgium 7,000
Germany 25,000
Netherlands 13,000
Norway 7,000
Sweden 10,000

Special Requirements for Germany and Sweden

In order to be able to include fixed assets data in the audit file, the following must be ensured for these countries, in this order:

  1. Install Financial Asset Management.
  2. Set up Financial Asset Management to Accounting Integration. For more information, see Setting up Fixed Asset Management to Accounting Journals.
  3. Ensure you have the Certinia Consultant Tools package installed and you update the Bundle Tool. This is done by the Onboarding Team. Submit a case to the Onboarding Team via Certinia Community.
  4. Assign the Fixed Asset Management - Business Analytics Read Access permission set to the Analytics Cloud Integration User.
  5. Assign a Fixed Asset Management license to the Analytics Cloud Integration User.
  6. In the wizard questions in Business Analytics, you must answer Yes to question 12 (Do you want to import Fixed Asset Management data?).

To access the audit file, from your company click All Audit Files. The audit files are stored in the following locations:

  • Austria: Library | Audit File Library | AT
  • Belgium: Library | Audit File Library | BE
  • France: Library | Audit File Library | FR
  • Germany: Library | Audit File Library | DE
  • Netherlands: Library | Audit File Library | NL
  • Norway: Library | Audit File Library | NO
  • Sweden: Library | Audit File Library | SE

When generating an audit file for the Netherlands, the user's language must be set to English.

  1. [Optional] To view the file click All Audit Files.


If an information message displays on the Audit File section, one or more of the following errors is preventing you from generating audit files:

  1. Business Analytics or Financial Statements package is not installed.
  2. No Analytics app exists with the Financial Transactions dataset.
  3. The API name of the Financial Analytics app is missing or incorrect in the Financial Analytics Settings custom setting. Ensure this is the app name and not the app label.
  4. You don't have access to the Analytics app specified in the Financial Analytics App field in the Financial Analytics Settings custom setting.

If there is an error generating the file for Netherlands an email is sent describing the error. A break in the consecutive naming of the audit files does not prevent the audit files from being merged correctly.

If numerous files are generated, see the following section in order to merge them into one file.

Merging Numerous Files

Depending on the amount of information, numerous files can be generated. The file naming convention varies, depending on the country.

Before sending your file to the relevant tax authorities you must merge the numerous files into one file. The steps differ for Windows or Mac users.


  1. Download all generated files to an empty folder.
  2. Open the Command Prompt.
  3. Navigate to the folder in the Command Prompt.
  4. Enter the following command:
    copy /b *.csv merge.txt
    All CSV files are copied into one file.
  5. Navigate to the new file and rename it according to the country specific convention. For example, for France, the convention is the following:
    {nine digit SIREN number}FEC{YYYYMMDD}.txt
    For example: 819801804FEC20190630.txt.
Note: You can save as an .xml by entering the following command:
copy /b *.xml merge.xml


  1. Download all generated files to an empty folder.
  2. Open the Terminal.
  3. Navigate to the folder in the Terminal.
  4. Enter the following command:
    cat *.csv >merged.txt
    All CSV files are copied into one file.
  5. Navigate to the new file and rename it according to the country specific convention. For example, for France, the convention is the following:
    {nine digit SIREN number}FEC{YYYYMMDD}.txt
    For example: 819801804FEC20190630.txt.
Note: You can save as an .xml by entering the following command:
cat *.xml >merged.xml