Data Source Filter Reference

When creating a plan from a data source, you can configure dimension filters that are applied to the dataset. A filter condition consists of three parts:

  • Dimension - the dimension whose values you want to filter.
  • Operator - the operator used when filtering. For more information, see Data Source Filter Operators.
  • Value - the dimension value used when filtering.


Here are the operators available when defining a dimension filter.

Data Source Filter Operators
Operator Description
Equals Returns dataset rows that contain any of the selected dimension values. You can select multiple values.
Not Equals Returns dataset rows that do not contain any of the selected dimension values. You can select multiple values.
Contains Returns dataset rows whose dimension values contain the introduced value.
Not Contains Returns dataset rows whose dimension values do not contain the introduced value.
Start With Returns dataset rows whose dimension values start with the introduced value.
Is Null Returns dataset rows whose dimension values are null, meaning that they do not contain a value.
Is Not Null Returns dataset rows whose dimension values are not null, meaning that they contain a value.

Filter Logic Options

Here are the filter logic options available when defining the filter configuration for a plan created from a data source or a template.

Filter Logic Options
Option Description
All Conditions are Met (AND) Returns data that matches all selected values.
Any Condition is Met (OR) Returns data that matches any of the selected values.
Custom Logic is Met Returns data that matches the custom values.

Custom Logic Reference

Custom logic enables you to make use of both AND and OR operators, thus enabling you to apply multiple filters at the same time. For example, if you want to forecast revenue for projects in a specific stage and region using different combinations, you can do so by using custom logic. You can apply different filters by combining operators, resulting in retrieving more granular results. For more information on the different possibilities when using custom logic, see the examples below.

Filter Configuration Reference
Filter Dimension Operator Value
1 Stage Not Equals In Progress
2 Project Region Equals UK
3 Project Region Equals USA
4 Project Practice Contains Tech
5 Project Manager Is Not Null  

Example 1

In the following example, ((1 AND 2) OR (1 AND 3)) AND 4 AND 5, you can retrieve ongoing projects for the UK or for the USA that contain the word "Tech", only if there is a project manager assigned.

Example 2

In the following example, (1 AND 5) OR (2 AND 4) OR (3 AND 4), you can retrieve ongoing projects with assigned project managers, projects in the USA that contain the word "Tech", or projects in the UK that contain the word "Tech".